Multi-Resolution Image Morphing
The proposed technique extends conventional image morphing algorithms
by offering additional control over the processing of the individual
multi-resolutions that are used in the wavelet representation when
moving from the source to the destination image. This gives the animator
the possibility to introduce a disparity between the morphing of global
and detail features that can lead to interesting new effects that are
not achievable with traditional methods.
The calculation of an intermediate image in conventional image morphing
algorithms is done in three steps: firstly the determination of feature
correspondence and of an intermediate feature geometry, secondly the
warping of the source and the destination images to intermediate images
that match the feature geometry, and finally the blending of the two
warped images. The proposed algorithm alters the third step by making
the blending dependent on the multi-resolution levels using a new
specialized 2D wavelet transformation.
The following picture illustrates the new effects, which can be achieved
with this new approach:

The source image of the morphing is on the left side, the destination
image on the right side. In the center we see two different morphing
sequences. In the upper morphing sequence
the details are morphed faster
from the source to the destination and the global features are morphed
slower. In the lower morphing sequence the details are morphed slower
and the global features are morphed faster.
For more details look at the Technical Report TR186-2-97-20, which was
submitted to the Eurographics´98 Conference:
Online available is the
Abstract and the whole TechReport in Adobe Portable Document Format in
normal and high quality:
XMRM, a prototype implementation of this concept, has been made in Linux
and X-Windows. The source
code, binaries and the manual of version 2.0
are available from:
If you are interested in the features of the program, look at the
Online Manual.
See the
latest info for recent changes.
There are some animations in MPEG-format available, which demonstrate
the effects of the multiresolution control:
MPEG with fast transition of details, slow transition of global
MPEG with slow transition of details, fast transition of global
Project Supervisor:
Manfred Kopp
Waldhör and
Manfred Kopp
Zsolt Szalavári
Manfred Kopp,
Thomas Lohr, Stefan Zechmeister
Copyright and Usage
The text, all animations and all pictures are public domain. You can
use it free for everything you want, but it would be nice if you
make a reference to XMRM and the URL of this Webpage:
Institute of Computer Graphics
Visualization and Animation Group
Research Animation
This page is maintained by Manfred Kopp. It was last updated on March 23, 1998.
If you have any comments, please send a message to