
Virtual Reality Spacecraft Operating System
Project duration: 1997,1998
Herbert Buchegger,
Reinhard Sainitzer
The overall goal of this project is to provide a 'proof of concept' of the value
of VR in the spacecraft mission control environment. In this particular case,
the virtual environment to be developed is envisaged to enable the ground
operations team to interact jointly with a single, shared, environment representing
the logical model of the on-board spacecraft system.
The system will provide both 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional interfaces.
This will allow for 'classical' interaction with 2D objects such as buttons,
windows, etc. as well spatial 3D representation and interaction with the logical
model of the spacecraft.
- To determine an appropriate form for the virtual spacecraft, or its logical repesentation.
- To find and implement convenient visualization techniques for the telemetry data.
- Ensuring performance, scalability, user acceptance.
The principal components are:
A simulator for a selected target mission, which generates telemetry (TM) of the
spacecraft status and reacts to telecommands (TC).
A server, which interfaces to the simulator as well as to client user stations,
and which handles both the incoming TM, and outgoing TC.
Clients, which display both 2D and 3D data to the operations team, and which are connected
to tracking and interaction devices (Personal Workspace).
The spacecraft subsystems will be displayed through a visual system as logical models
and functional groups of this model. The ground operations team should be able to
interact with these models by changing their state, position, size or orientation.
Functional groups of that model might represent switches or buttons etc. that the
ground operations team can change.