Hall of Fame 2024

2024S 2.0 h (3 ECTS), 186.192

Johannes Unterguggenberger
Michael Wimmer

Best Solutions: Martin Braunsperger

Screenshots Effects
  • Physically-Based Shading (PBS)
  • Reinhard Tone Mapping
  • Reflections
  • Temporal Anti-Aliasing
  • Multi-Sample Anti Aliasing (MSAA) with Complex Samples Mask

Second-Best Solutions: Raphael Kunert *

Screenshots Effects
  • Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO)
  • Reinhard Tone Mapping
  • Screen-Space Reflections (SSR)
  • Physically-Based Shading

Third-Best Solutions: Ole Siemers *

Screenshots Effects
  • Normal Mapping
  • Displacement Mapping
  • Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion with Depth-Aware Bilateral Blurring
  • Modified Reinhard Tone Mapping with Gradual Adaption
  • Screen-Space Reflections
  • Temporal Anti-Aliasing
  • Ray Traced Shadows

Marcus Alberer

Screenshots Effects
  • Ray-Traced Reflections
  • Ray-Traced Shadows
  • Tone Mapping
  • Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion

Erik Ritschl *

Screenshots Effects
  • Distance-Based Adaptive Tessellation (left)
  • Temporal Anti-Aliasing (middle)
  • Screen Space Reflections (middle)
  • Reinhard Tone Mapping with Gradual Automatic Exposure (middle)
  • Physically-Based Shading
  • Multi Sample Anti-Aliasing (right)

Adrian Jan Gawor

Screenshots Effects
  • Screen Space Ambient Occlusion with Bilateral Filtering
  • Screen Space Reflections
  • Gradual (Modified) Reinhard Tone Mapping

Dejan Belic

Screenshots Effects
  • Physically-Based Shading
  • Tile-Based Deferred Shading
  • Light count visualized per tile after culling
    (More light sources => more red)

Klemens Wiesinger

Screenshots Effects
  • Screen Space Ambient Occlusion
  • Screen Space Reflections
  • Temporal Anti-Aliasing
  • RTX Shadows using Ray Queries
  • (Modified) Reinhard Tone Mapping

Sam Jackson

Screenshots Effects
  • Screen Space Ambient Occlusion
  • Screen Space Reflections
  • Tone Mapping

David Köppl

Screenshots Effects
  • Screen Space Reflections
  • Reinhard Tone Mapping Operator
  • RTX Shadows

Jakub Nawrocki

Screenshots Effects
  • SSAO factors before blur

The normal vector used to orient the SSAO samples is randomized using a Bayer matrix, resulting in a checkered pattern.

Miran Saman

Screenshots Effects
  • Tessellation with Curved PN-Triangles
  • Left: Low resolution environment, input mesh not tessellated
  • Right: Geometry amplification through hardware tessellation + Curved PN-Triangles technique by Vlachos et al. [2021]

Jörg Christian Reiher *

Screenshots Effects
  • Hardware Tessellation
  • + Back-Face Culling in Tessellation Control Shader
  • + View-Frustum Culling in Tessellation Control Shader

Simon Derflinger

Screenshots Effects
  • Screen Space Ambient Occlusion
    (Highlight on occlusion factors before blurring)

Maximilian Payer

Screenshots Effects
  • SSAO with hemisphere sampling and a denser sample distribution around the center
  • Blurred occlusion factors with 2-pass gaussian blur
  • Reinhard Tone Mapping
  • Screen Space Reflections
  • Temporal Anti-Aliasing with samples distributed according to Halton Sequence (2, 3)

Erika Marttinen

Screenshots Effects
  • Physically-Based Shading
  • MSAA
  • Back-Face Culling in Tessellation Control Shader
  • View-Frustum Culling in Tessellation Control Shader
  • Adaptive Tessellation
  • Non-Orthogonal Tangent Space for Normal Mapping

Manuel Leutschacher

Screenshots Effects
  • Real-Time Ray Tracing: Barycentric coordinates

We can see the first step of creating ray traced reflections, the generation of the reflection rays (does not have the correct normals yet but looks like a crazy mirror dimension instead)

  • Deferred Shading
  • Physically-Based Shading

We can see the physically based shading (to be specific the Cook-Torrance shading) in action by overwriting the roughness and metallicness of all the objects and setting every object very metallic and very smooth which results in those awesome colors and highlights.

* The PVDC Award is a decoration for particularly valuable discussion contributions.