- First extract the archive.
- Just execute the infodir.exe, and select Direct 3D renderer form the dropdown box (the used shader is only available in DirectX, you will see a white material if you use OpenGL).
- After selecting a directory from the classical tree view on the left side, and pressing the Render button you should see a 3d visualisation for the selected directory.
- While the mouse cursor hovers over the 3d view, you are able to rotate (right button) and zoom (middle button) the camera. You are able to prevent camera transformations according to the "Mouse Control" dropdown box.
- The left button selects either a cylinder (directory) or a phiball (files contained within a directory), depending on the "Selection" dropdown box. The selected object is then highlighted and the name of the object is displayed under the "Selected Object" label.
- The contraction slider is implemented according to the contraction algorithm presented in the .