1 var labelType, useGradients, nativeTextSupport, animate, st, treedata, interactionMethod,
  2 wordCount, restOfPhrase, phraseCounter, isEnding, setRootNode=false;
  4 (function() {
  5 	var ua = navigator.userAgent,
  6 	iStuff = ua.match(/iPhone/i) || ua.match(/iPad/i),
  7 	typeOfCanvas = typeof HTMLCanvasElement,
  8 	nativeCanvasSupport = (typeOfCanvas == 'object' || typeOfCanvas == 'function'),
  9 	textSupport = nativeCanvasSupport
 10 	&& (typeof document.createElement('canvas').getContext('2d').fillText == 'function');
 12 	labelType = (!nativeCanvasSupport || (textSupport && !iStuff))? 'Native' : 'HTML';
 13 	nativeTextSupport = labelType == 'Native';
 14 	useGradients = nativeCanvasSupport;
 15 	animate = !(iStuff || !nativeCanvasSupport);
 16 })();
 18 /**
 19  * The Word Tree Log
 20  */
 21 var Log = {
 22 	elem: false,
 23 	write: function(text) {
 24 		if (!this.elem)
 25 			this.elem = document.getElementById('log');
 26 		this.elem.innerHTML = text;
 27 		this.elem.style.left = (700 - this.elem.offsetWidth / 2) + 'px';
 28 	}
 29 };
 31 /**
 32  * Initializes the Word Tree:
 33  * Sets a duration animation, a transition, the level distance,
 34  * the levels to show, navigation and panning,
 35  * and defines individual styles of nodes and labels before they
 36  * are plotted.
 37  */
 38 function initST() {
 39 	//start with the explore interaction method as default
 40 	interactionMethod = "explore";
 42 	//init Wordtree
 43 	//Create a new ST instance
 44 	st = new $jit.ST({
 45 		'injectInto': 'infovis',
 46 		//set duration for the animation
 47 		duration: 400,
 48 		//set animation transition type
 49 		transition: $jit.Trans.Quart.easeInOut,
 50 		//set distance between node and its children
 51 		levelDistance: 30,
 52 		//set max levels to show. Useful when used with
 53 		//the request method for requesting trees of specific depth
 54 		levelsToShow: 4,
 55 		//enable panning
 56 		Navigation: {
 57 			enable:true,
 58 			panning:true
 59 		},
 60 		//set node and edge styles
 61 		//set overridable=true for styling individual
 62 		//nodes or edges
 63 		Node: {
 64 			height: 20,
 65 			width: 40,
 66 			//use a custom
 67 			//node rendering function
 68 			type: 'nodeline',
 69 			lineWidth: 2,
 70 			align:'left',
 71 			overridable: true
 72 		},
 73 		Edge: {
 74 			type: 'bezier',
 75 			lineWidth: 2,
 76 			color:'#23A4FF',
 77 			overridable: true
 78 		},
 79 		request: function(nodeId, level, onComplete) {
 80 			onComplete.onComplete(nodeId);
 81 		},
 82 		onBeforeCompute: function(node) {
 83 			Log.write("loading " + node.name);
 84 		},
 85 		onAfterCompute: function() {
 86 			Log.write("done");
 87 		},
 88 		onCreateLabel: function(label, node) {
 89 			label.id = node.id;
 90 			label.innerHTML = node.name;
 91 			label.onclick = function() {
 92 				label.innerHTML = node.name;
 94 				switch(interactionMethod) {
 96 					//if the user wants to explore sub-branches of the current word tree
 97 					case "explore":
 98 						// only do something if the node has children
 99 						if (getNumberOfChildren(treedata,node.id) != 0) {
100 							//tell the word tree that the node has been clicked
101 							//and open the subtrees
102 							st.onClick(node.id);
103 							//shorten the names of nodes with phrase endings
104 							//so that they do not stand in each other's way
105 							shortenNames(label,node);
107 						} else Log.write("end of the phrase");
108 						break;
110 					//if the user wants to create a new word tree with the clicked node as root
111 					case "reroot":
112 						//put the new search term into the search-textarea
113 						document.theForm.term.value = node.name;
114 						//perform the search with the new search value as root
115 						search();
116 						break;
117 					}
118 			};
119 			//compute the size value that is proportional to the
120 			//node's frequency's square root
121 			var sizeVal = computeSizeVal(frequencies[node.name.toLowerCase()]);
123 			//set the label styles
124 			var style = label.style;
125 			var word = node.name;
127 			//this is necessary so that the labels don't do line breaks
128 			style.width = word.length*sizeVal*8;
129 			//style.height = (12*sizeVal)+'px';
130 			style.cursor = 'pointer';
131 			style.color = '#fff';
133 			//if it's the last word of a phrase make it gray and add a dot
134 			if (getNumberOfChildren(treedata,node.id) == 0) {
135 				style.color = "#999";
136 				label.innerHTML += ".";
137 			}
138 			//style.backgroundColor = '#1a1a1a';
139 			style.fontSize = sizeVal+'em';
140 			style.textAlign = 'left';
141 			style.textDecoration = 'none';
142 			style.paddingLeft = '2px';
144 			label.$textAlign='left';
146 			//check if the node is a unique phrase ending
147             if(getNumberOfChildren(treedata,node.id)==1) {
149                 //get the rest of the phrase and add it to the label
150 				getRestOfPhrase1(treedata,node.id);
152 				//if it's a unique ending of a phrase
153                 if (isEnding) {
154                 	style.color = '#999';
155                 	style.width = (word+restOfPhrase).length*sizeVal*9;
156                 	node.data.$height = 20;
157                 	//style.height = '20px';
158                 	label.innerHTML += " "+restOfPhrase + ".";
159                		style.textAlign = 'left';
160                		style.fontSize = '1em';
162                		//remove redundant subtrees
163                		st.removeSubtree(node.id, false, 'animate');
165                		//this function restores the phrase ending by a user click
166                		//if it has been shortened
167                		label.onclick = function() {
168                			getRestOfPhrase1(treedata,node.id);
169                			label.innerHTML = node.name + restOfPhrase + ".";
170                			st.onClick(node.id);
171                			Log.write("end of the phrase");
172                		};
173                 }
175             }
177 		},
178 		onBeforePlotNode: function(node) {
179 			//change the node width to the corresponding word length
180 			var sizeVal = computeSizeVal(frequencies[node.name.toLowerCase()]);
181 			var word = node.name;
182 			node.data.$width = word.length*sizeVal*8;
184 			getRestOfPhrase1(treedata,node.id); //sets the isEnding boolean
186 			//only adjust the size if it's no ending
187 			if (!isEnding){
188 				node.data.$height= 15*sizeVal;
189 			}
190 		},
191 		onBeforePlotLine: function(adj) {
192 			//highlight the path beween selected nodes
193 			if (adj.nodeFrom.selected && adj.nodeTo.selected) {
194 				adj.data.$color = "#eed";
195 				adj.data.$lineWidth = 3;
196 			} else {
197 				delete adj.data.$color;
198 				delete adj.data.$lineWidth;
199 			}
200 		}
201 	});
203 	/**
204 	 * Implement a node rendering function called 'nodeline' that plots a straight line
205 	 * when contracting or expanding a subtree.
206 	 */
207 	$jit.ST.Plot.NodeTypes.implement({
208 		'nodeline': {
209 			'render': function(node, canvas, animating) {
210 				if(animating === 'expand' || animating === 'contract') {
211 					var pos = node.pos.getc(true), nconfig = this.node, data = node.data;
212 					var width  = nconfig.width, height = nconfig.height;
213 					var algnPos = this.getAlignedPos(pos, width, height);
214 					var ctx = canvas.getCtx(), ort = this.config.orientation;
215 					ctx.beginPath();
216 					if(ort == 'left' || ort == 'right') {
217 						ctx.moveTo(algnPos.x, algnPos.y + height / 2);
218 						ctx.lineTo(algnPos.x + width, algnPos.y + height / 2);
219 					} else {
220 						ctx.moveTo(algnPos.x + width / 2, algnPos.y);
221 						ctx.lineTo(algnPos.x + width / 2, algnPos.y + height);
222 					}
223 					ctx.stroke();
224 				}
225 			}
226 		}
228 	});
230 }
232 /**
233  * Initializes the JSON Tree structure and loads it into the Word Tree.
234  * Computes the Word Tree, makes a translation and emulates a click on the root node.
235  * Registers Event Handlers for the two interaction methods: explore and reroot.
236  */
237 function init(json) {
238 	//load json data
239 	st.loadJSON(eval( '(' + json + ')' ));
240 	//compute node positions and layout
241 	st.compute();
242 	//make a translation of the tree
243 	st.geom.translate(new $jit.Complex(-100, 0), "current"); //"start","current","end"
244 	//emulate a click on the root node.
245 	st.onClick(st.root);
247 	//Add event handlers to switch the interaction method
248 	function get(id) {
249 		return document.getElementById(id);
250 	};
252 	var explore = get('explore'), reroot = get('reroot');
254 	function changeHandler() {
255 		if(this.checked) {
256 			interactionMethod = this.value;
257 		}
258 	};
259 	//register changeHandler
260 	explore.onchange = reroot.onchange = changeHandler;
261 }
263 /**
264  * Search for a term and initialize the corresponding
265  * Word Tree
266  */
267 function search() {
268 	//build the new JSON tree data structure
269 	treedata = buildJson(document.theForm.term.value);
270 	if(treedata.children.length > 0) {
271 		init(JSON.stringify(treedata));
272 	}
273 }
277 var numberOfChildren = -1;
278 /**
279  * Detect the number of children of a clicked node.
280  */
281 function getNumberOfChildren(node,nodeId) {
282 	if (node.id == nodeId)
283 		numberOfChildren = node.children.length;
284 	else {
285 		for (var i in node.children) {
286 			getNumberOfChildren(node.children[i],nodeId);
287 		}
288 	}
289 	return numberOfChildren;
290 }
292 /**
293  * Computes a size value proportional to the
294  * square root of the node frequency.
295  */
296 function computeSizeVal(freq){
297 	//adjust the word count so that the font size doesn't get too big or small
298 	if (wordCount>500) wordCount = wordCount*0.75;
299 	if (wordCount>1000) wordCount = wordCount*0.5;
300 	if (wordCount>2000) wordCount = wordCount*0.25;
302 	//compute the size value
303 	var percentage = (freq/wordCount)*100;
304 	var sqrt = Math.sqrt(percentage);
305 	var freqSize = Math.round(sqrt);
306 	if (freqSize==0) freqSize=1;
308 	return freqSize;
309 }
311 /**
312  * A helper function that finds a node in the treedata
313  * and then executes the getRestOfPhrase2 function.
314  */
315 function getRestOfPhrase1(node,nodeId){
316 	if (node.id == nodeId){
317 		restOfPhrase = "";
318 		phraseCounter = 0;
319 		getRestOfPhrase2(node);
320 	}
321 	else {
322 		for (var i in node.children) {
323 			getRestOfPhrase1(node.children[i],nodeId);
324 		}
325 	}
326 }
328 /**
329  * Concatenates the rest of the phrase to a string
330  * that has a maximum length of words.
331  */
332 function getRestOfPhrase2(node){
333 	if (node.children.length == 1) {
334 		isEnding = true;
335 		restOfPhrase += " "+node.children[0].name;
336 		phraseCounter++;
337 		if(phraseCounter<14) {
338 			getRestOfPhrase2(node.children[0]);
339 		} else restOfPhrase += "...";
340 	}
341 	else if (node.children.length > 0){
342 		isEnding = false;
343 		restOfPhrase = "";
344 	}
345 }
347 /**
348  * Shortens the names of the phrase endings
349  * by replacing them with the first word (nodename).
350  */
351 function shortenNames(label,node){
352 	subnodes = node.getParents()[0].getSubnodes();
353 	for (var i in subnodes){
354 		if ((node._depth == subnodes[i]._depth) && (node.id != subnodes[i].id)){
355 			label = st.labels.getLabel(subnodes[i].id);
356 			//alert("Label: "+label.innerHTML);
357 			label.innerHTML = subnodes[i].name;
358 		}
359 	}
360 }
362 /**
363  * Choose one of the given speeches
364  */
365 function chooseText(textName){
366 	document.theForm.inp.value = getText(textName);
367 	stDriver();
368 }
370 /**
371  * Get a node object with an ID,
372  * name and frequency.
373  */
374 function node(name,id) {
375 	return {
376 		id: name.concat("_").concat(id),
377 		name: name,
378 		data: {},
379 		frequency:frequencies[name.toString().toLowerCase()],
380 		children:[]
381 	}
382 }
384 /*******************************************
385  *  JSON and Word Tree (Suffix Tree) Part  *
386  *******************************************/
387 var trees = new Array();
388 var sentences = new Array();
389 var frequencies = {};
390 var Txt=null,    // the input text string
391 root=null, // root of the suffix tree
392 infinity;  // quite a big number
393 nForks=0;  // number of branching nodes in the suffix tree
395 function pair(a, b) {
396 	this.fst = a;
397 	this.snd = b;
398 } // i.e. <fst, snd>
400 function isEmptyStrng() {
401 	return this.right < this.left;
402 }
404 function Strng(left, right) // represents Txt[left..right]
405 {
406 	this.left=left;
407 	this.right=right;
408 	this.isEmpty = isEmptyStrng;
409 }//constructor
411 function addTrnstn(left, right, s) // this['a'] >---(left..right)---> s
412 // add a transition to `this' state
413 {
414 	this[Txt[left]] = new pair(new Strng(left,right), s);
415 	this.isLeaf = false;
416 }
418 function State() // i.e. a new leaf node in the suffix tree
419 {
420 	this.addTransition = addTrnstn;
421 	this.isLeaf = true;
422 }
424 function upDate(s, k, i)
425 // (s, (k, i-1)) is the canonical reference pair for the active point
426 {
427 	var oldr = root;                                               
428 	var endAndr = test_and_split(s, k, i-1, Txt[i])           
429 	var endPoint = endAndr.fst;
430 	var r = endAndr.snd                    
432 	while (!endPoint)                                                      
433 	{
434 		r.addTransition(i, infinity, new State());                   
435 		if (oldr != root)
436 			oldr.sLink = r;                          
438 		oldr = r;
439 		var sAndk = canonize(s.sLink, k, i-1)                       
440 		s = sAndk.fst;
441 		k = sAndk.snd;                                     
442 		endAndr = test_and_split(s, k, i-1, Txt[i])               
443 		endPoint = endAndr.fst;
444 		r = endAndr.snd;                       
445 	}                                                       
447 	if(oldr != root)
448 		oldr.sLink = s;                        
450 	return new pair(s, k);
451 }//update
453 function test_and_split(s, k, p, t)                                       
454 {
455 	if(k<=p)                                                       
456 	{
457 		// find the t_k transition g'(s,(k',p'))=s' from s            
458 		// k1 is k'  p1 is p'                                            
459 		var w1ands1 = s[Txt[k]];          // s --(w1)--> s1            
460 		var s1 = w1ands1.snd;                                          
461 		var k1 = w1ands1.fst.left;
462 		var p1 = w1ands1.fst.right;
464 		if (t == Txt[k1 + p - k + 1])
465 			return new pair(true, s);
466 		else {
467 			var r = new State()
468 			s.addTransition(k1, k1+p-k,   r);     // s ----> r ----> s1
469 			r.addTransition(    k1+p-k+1, p1, s1);
470 			return new pair(false, r)
471 		}
472 	} else // k > p;  ? is there a t-transition from s ?
473 		return new pair(s[t] != null, s);
474 }//test_and_split
476 function canonize(s, k, p) {
477 	if(p < k)
478 		return new pair (s, k);
480 	// find the t_k transition g'(s,(k',p'))=s' from s
481 	// k1 is k',  p1 is p'
482 	var w1ands1 = s[Txt[k]];                            // s --(w1)--> s1
483 	var s1 = w1ands1.snd;
484 	var k1 = w1ands1.fst.left;
485 	var p1 = w1ands1.fst.right;
487 	while(p1-k1 <= p-k)                               // s --(w1)--> s1 ---> ...
488 	{
489 		k += p1 - k1 + 1;                    // remove |w1| chars from front of w
490 		s = s1;
491 		if(k <= p) {
492 			w1ands1 = s[Txt[k]];                          // s --(w1)--> s1
493 			s1 = w1ands1.snd;
494 			k1 = w1ands1.fst.left;
495 			p1 = w1ands1.fst.right;
496 		}
497 	}
498 	return new pair(s, k);
499 }//canonize
501 function suffixTreeAlgorithm() {
502 	var s, k, i;
503 	var bt;
505 	root = new State();
506 	bt = new State(); // bottom
508 	// Transitions for all possible chars
509 	// from bottom to root
510 	for (i=0; i<Txt.length; i++)
511 		bt.addTransition(i,i, root);
513 	root.sLink = bt;
514 	s=root;
515 	k=0;
517 	for(i=0; i < Txt.length; i++) {
518 		var sAndk = upDate(s, k, i);   // (s,k) < - upDate(...)
519 		s = sAndk.fst;
520 		k = sAndk.snd;
521 		sAndk = canonize(s, k, i);     // (s,k) < - canonize(...)
522 		s = sAndk.fst;
523 		k = sAndk.snd;
524 	}
525 }//suffixTreeAlgorithm
527 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
529 String.prototype.trim = function() {
530 	return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
531 };
533 /**
534  * Build the suffix tree
535  */
536 function stDriver() {
537 	Log.write("building the tree");
538 	//   document.getElementById('busy').style.display = 'block';
540 	frequencies = {};
542 	wordCount = 0; //the number of words in the current tree
544 	splitted = document.theForm.inp.value.split(/[\\.!?;:\\-]+/);
545 	for (var i = 0; i < splitted.length && splitted[i].length > 1; i++) {
547 		root=null;
548 		nForks=0;
549 		Txt = splitted[i].trim().split(/[\s,]+/);
551 		for(var j = 0; j<Txt.length;j++) {
552 			Txt[j] = Txt[j].trim();
553 			if(frequencies[Txt[j].toLowerCase()] == undefined) {
554 				frequencies[Txt[j].toLowerCase()] = 1;
555 				wordCount++;
556 			} else {
557 				frequencies[Txt[j].toLowerCase()] = frequencies[Txt[j].toLowerCase()]+1;
558 				wordCount++;
559 			}
560 		}
561 		sentences[i] = Txt;
562 		infinity = Txt.length;
563 		nForks = 0;
565 		suffixTreeAlgorithm();
566 		root.index = i;
567 		trees[i] = root;
568 	}
569 	//   document.getElementById('submit').disabled = 'disabled';
570 	Log.write("tree built successfully");
572 }//stDriver
576 /**
577  * Build the JSON tree structure that is needed to load
578  * the Word Tree.
579  */
580 function buildJson(term) {
581 	var terms = term.trim().split(/[\s]+/);
582 	//create a node for the term
583 	var nodeCounter = 0;
584 	//   var json = node(term,nodeCounter++);
586 	var wordlist = new Array();
588 	for(var i=0; i<trees.length;i++) {
589 		if(hasSuffixForAllWords(terms,trees[i])) {
590 			var attr = getAttr(terms[terms.length-1],trees[i]);
591 			wordlist.push(sentences[trees[i].index].slice(trees[i][attr].fst.left+1, findRightMost(trees[i][attr])+1));
592 		}
593 	}
595 	var json = node(terms[0],nodeCounter++);
596 	var currentNode = json;
598 	for(i = 1;i<terms.length;i++) {
599 		childNode = node(terms[i],nodeCounter++);
600 		currentNode.children.push(childNode);
601 		currentNode = childNode;
602 	}
604 	var temp = currentNode;
606 	for(i=0;i<wordlist.length;i++) {
607 		out:
608 		for(var j=0;j<wordlist[i].length;j++) {
609 			for(childindex in currentNode.children) {
610 				if(currentNode.children[childindex].name.toLowerCase() == wordlist[i][j].toLowerCase()) {
611 					currentNode = currentNode.children[childindex];
612 					continue out;
613 				}
614 			}
615 			var child = node(wordlist[i][j],nodeCounter++);
616 			currentNode.children.push(child);
617 			currentNode = child;
618 		}
619 		currentNode = temp;
620 	}
621 	return json;
622 }
624 /**
625  * Find the right most pair
626  */
627 function findRightMost(pair) {
628 	if(pair.snd.isLeaf)
629 		return pair.fst.right;
630 	else {
631 		var max = 0;
632 		for(attr in pair.snd) {
633 			if(attr != "addTransition" && attr != "isLeaf" && attr != "sLink" && attr != "index") {
634 				var temp = findRightMost(pair.snd[attr]);
635 				if(temp > max)
636 					max = temp;
637 			}
638 		}
639 		return max;
640 	}
641 }
643 function hasSuffixForAllWords(terms,tree) {
644 	out:
645 	for(var i=0; i<terms.length;i++) {
647 		for(attr in tree) {
648 			if(attr.toString().toLowerCase() == terms[i].toLowerCase()) {
649 				continue out;
650 			}
651 		}
652 		return false;
653 	}
654 	return true;
655 }
657 function getAttr(term,tree) {
658 	for(attr in tree) {
659 		if(attr.toString().toLowerCase() == term.toLowerCase()) {
660 			return attr;
661 		}
662 	}
663 	return undefined;
664 }