Documentation for ManiWordle


Click the link above to start ManiWordle, a flexible word cloud generator. This Webapplication was designed and tested using Google Chrome, therefore you get the best experience by this application using this browser. It was last tested with Chrome v19. This version included a bug in which you could not save the displayed word cloud after clicking "Save Image", this bug was fixed in later versions (tested with Google Chrome build 21.0.1171.0 dev-m).


When you start ManiWordle, you can enter a text in the textarea. After this, you can change following options regarding the appearance of the word cloud that is generated when clicking on Create.
After this step, the click on "Create!" generates a word cloud. In the next window that appears you can change the options of each word individually by selecting it with the mouse. You have the options to: If you are happy about the resulting word cloud, you can generate a png image by clicking the "Save Image"-button and save it by right click and the "Save Image as..." option. Note: Due to a bug in the current release version of Google Chrome, the "Save Image as..." option does not work in this version. In the current developer version this bug does not exist any more (v21).

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