�ManiWordle: Providing Flexible Control over Wordle� by Kyle Koh et al.
This program implements a basic interactive tag cloud generator as presented in [1]. It uses some text input provided by the user, and generate an initial randomized tag cloud where tag with higher occurrence are more important, displayed in a bigger font size, and preferred by positioning on the canvas. After that first step the user is provided with interactive functionality to adjust that layout: choosing a color theme or new font for the text, setting new min and max font sizes, setting how the text is to be parsed,� what rotation to be applied.� A tag can be selected with the mouse and dragged and rotated.
The user interface of the program is intuitive. There is a standard menu, where all �basic options for the layout generation can be selected. Tags are manipulated through mouse interaction: left button for select, and after selection for dragging and rotation. The created tag cloud can be saves as screenshot: file -> save.
Here some screenshots to show how to navigate the application:
Text input 1
Setting parse options for the text 1
Setting text rotation 1
Choosing color theme 1
Choosing text font� 1
Drag and rotate tag 1
InfoVis S14 ManiWordle Documentation
[1] K. Ko, B. Lee, B. Kim and J. Seo, �"ManiWordle: Providing Flexible Control over Wordle", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 16(6), 2010