
Introduction lecture03.03.2025/15:00-16:00In-person, streamed
Deadline submission 0 (game concept)12.03.2025/18:00 
Deadline submission 1 (prototype)04.05.2025/18:00 
Feedback talks08.05.2025 - 13.05.2025Zoom
Deadline submission 2 (finished game)06.06.2025/18:00 
Game event18.06.2025/13:00 - 18:45TBD
Grading talks23.06.2025 - 27.06.2025Zoom

General Information


Programming Techniques for Visual Computing serves to practically apply and deepen the knowledge from the corresponding lecture Computer Graphics, but is largely independent from it.

In this course a 3D computer game is to be programmed. The use of an industry standard 3D programming interface (OpenGL or Vulkan) allows the control of common 3D hardware and guarantees a practical training.

Topics include real-time graphics, texture mapping, efficient visibility calculation, lighting and shading models, alpha blending and transparency effects, 3D interaction, 3D modeling, and animation. In addition, more complex effects such as bump mapping, shadows, particle systems and many more can be programmed.


In the course of the exercise, a 3D computer game is to be programmed in C++ and OpenGL or Vulkan in groups of two. The exercise consists of three submissions: 

In submission 0 a game concept is to be created.

In submission 1 a functional prototype is to be programmed. In assignment 2, the game is to be completed and extended with special effects. Details about the individual submissions can be found in the respective TUWEL course.

The source files and documents created in the course of this work as well as the executable applications will be handed in after the end of each submission. Each group will receive feedback and a grade for this submission.

After submission 1 there will be a mandatory feedback meeting with tutors for all groups to discuss the procedure for the second half of the course. This meeting is not graded (but participation is mandatory!) and no special preparation is necessary. The date for the feedback meetings will be announced via TUWEL.

After submission 2, a game event will take place where the submissions will be presented by the respective groups. There is no need to prepare a presentation or something similar. Each group should present their game via screen-sharing and explain the story and the development status in a maximum of 5 minutes.

After the game event, an evaluation meeting will take place to discuss the final state of the project and to determine the final grade.


Registration for the lab exercise takes place by handing in submission 0. For this it is necessary to register for this course in TISS (193.019).

It is not necessary to deregister from the course. Everybody who hands in submission 0 will also get a certificate.


All submissions take place via TUWEL. You can upload a submission as often as you like until the deadline, the last version will always be graded. Deadlines are always at 18:00 on the given day.

The grading in this course is divided into two categories (Gameplay and Effects), where Gameplay is again split into basic tasks (Compulsory) and extension tasks (Optional).

For submission 2, a minimum of 25 points from the Gameplay basic tasks and from the Effects tasks are required to receive a passing grade. Additional effects from all lists can be implemented to improve the grade.

The points from the feedback of submission 1 can be improved at will with submission 2 (for submission 2 the points already evaluated for submission 1 are also evaluated again). After submission 2 you have the possibility to improve your score until the game event.

ATTENTION: Please note which files and in which format the submissions has to consist of. The exact specifications can be found in the respective task descriptions on TUWEL. Only submissions that meet these specifications will be evaluated.


A maximum of 186 points can be achieved during the course, which are divided as follows:

Submission 0 (game concept)2 Points
Gameplay (basic tasks)30 Points (at least 25 points for a positive grade)
Gameplay (extension tasks)26 Points
Effectsmax. 128 Points (at least 25 points for a positive grade)

Details about points and submissions can be found in the TUWEL course.

Attendance is compulsory for the entire duration of the game event. In exceptional cases (illness, etc.) it is sufficient if only one group member is present, but this must be clarified in advance with the course management. In case of an unexcused absence, the entire submission will be graded with 0 points.

The grade is calculated directly from the points earned:

>= 88Excellent (1)
>= 75Good (2)
>= 63Satisfactory (3)
>= 50Sufficient (4)
< 50Unsatisfactory (5)


Each participant should add the course to their own course favorites in TISS. Also, email notification of course news should be enabled in the appropriate course category in TISS. Information about the lab exercise will be announced in TISS, about which you will automatically be informed by e-mail.

The TUWEL forum serves as a communication platform for the exercise participants among themselves, where our tutors are also regularly at your disposal. If you have questions about the exercise or problems with your project, this is the best place to get quick answers. Please always mention your game name/group name there so that the tutors can answer faster.

If a problem cannot be solved via the forum you can also contact the course management via

Short-term urgent news will be announced as TISS News.