
Aim and topic selection: The aim of a project is to implement problems from the field of computer graphics. The topics are usually chosen by research assistants in accordance with current research topics. This means that as a student, you will often participate in cutting-edge research. Currently offered topics can be found here! However, you may also present a proposal for your own topic, and if it falls within the research interests of one of the assistants, he/she will also supervise you on it.

Prerequisites: As a prerequisite, you usually need knowledge of programming and computer graphics. The exact prerequisites are agreed with the advisor, and are usually also listed with the topic description.

Teams: Depending on the complexity of the project, teams of up to 4 people can work on a topic. The usual size is 1-2 students, however.


  • Select an open topic listed here
  • Kickoff meeting: you agree on the specific goals and methods with the supervisor.
  • Second meeting - official registration: you submit a workplan for the project, including an approximate time plan. You agree with your supervisor on a final submission deadline. This means that a grade will be given in any case, either upon completion, or if the deadline passes (and it was not extended by your advisor).
  • Further regular meetings: in accordance with the advisor, you agree on regular meetings.
  • Implementation: to be agreed with your advisor. Software projects should use a revision control system (GIT hosted by our research unit or by TU Wien). Our technicians ( can create a repository for you or give you access to an existing one.
  • Upon completion, you have to hand in: 
    • Report/User documentation (2-5 pages): Report part: Short description on the goal of the project, algorithms used (including references to literature), and problems that were solved. User documentation: how to install and start the program and how to interact with it, required file formats etc.
    • Developer documentation (2-5 pages): This should include all the information that another student would need to continue your project. As a minimum, you need complete code documentation and a class diagram.
    • The software in an archive (preferable a GIT hosted by our university). 
    • Descriptive image for the publication database, which should also include the two documentations in PDF format and a link to the code repository. 

Industry Topics

A project may also be completed in cooperation with a company. Such external projects have to conform to a number of guidelines.