Projekt Medizinische Informatik


PR, 186.847, 2023S

Eduard Gröller, Renata Raidou

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This course page describes the lecture of Sommersemester 2023. See list of other semesters.

Important Links

Please see the page on Topics for Praktikum and Bachelor theses to obtain a topic.

ATTENTION Female Students:
In the academic year 2020/21 you have the possibility to do a paid Praktikum at VRVis:
4 x 777,- € für 4 Studentinnen der Informatik!
Sie sind weiblich, studieren Informatik an der TU-Wien und wollen in naher Zukunft eine interessante praxisnahe Praktikums- oder Bachelorarbeit erstellen? Wir betreiben ein Forschungszentrum für Visual Computing, das viele interessante praxisbezogene Themen bearbeitet, und bieten Ihnen an, in diesem Rahmen ein „Praktikum aus Visual Computing“ oder eine Bachelorarbeit zu schreiben. Zusätzlich zum Zeugnis erhalten Sie 777,- € bezahlt.
I n t e r e s s i e r t ?
Bewerben Sie sich formlos unter Beilegung von Unterlagen nach Ihrem Gutdünken per Email an Die 4 ersten guten Bewerbungen erhalten eine Zusage! Und für besonders gute Ergebnisse erhalten Sie noch zusätzlich eine Extraprämie in Höhe von 250 € !
Alle Arbeiten können in 4 Monaten abgeschlossen werden. Die Anrechenbarkeit der Arbeiten wird garantiert. Nähere Informationen über das Forschungszentrum finden Sie unter
Vorteile für Sie:
wertvolle Kontakte,
interessante Themen,
bezahlte Studienarbeit,
sehr gutes Betriebsklima!


Aim and topic selection: The aim of a project is to implement problems from the field of computer graphics. The topics are usually chosen by research assistants in accordance with current research topics. This means that as a student, you will often participate in cutting-edge research. Current topics are available in the link listed above. However, you may also present a proposal for your own topic, and if it falls within the research interests of one of the assistants, he/she will also supervise you on it.

Prerequisites: As a prerequisite, you usually need knowledge of programming and computer graphics. The exact prerequisites are agreed with the advisor, and are usually also listed with the topic description.

Teams: Depending on the complexity of the project, teams of up to 4 people can work on a topic. The usual size is 1-2 students, however.


  • Kickoff meeting: you agree on a topic with the advisor and get relevant information.
  • Second meeting - official registration: you submit a workplan for the project, including an approximate time plan. Your advisor registers your details in our publication database, including a final submission deadline, and from this moment you are officially enrolled. This means that a grade will be given in any case, either upon completion, or if the deadline passes (and it was not extended by your advisor).
  • Further regular meetings/reports: in accordance with the advisor, you agree on regular meetings and/or reports by email (e.g., 1 weekly email report).
  • Implementation: to be agreed with your advisor. Software projects should use a revision control system (SVN or GIT) hosted at our institute - our technicians ( will create a repository for you or give you access to an existing one.
  • Upon completion, you have to hand in (at least for software projects):
    • Report/User documentation (2-5 pages): Report part: Short description on the goal of the project, algorithms used (including references to literature), and problems that were solved. User documentation: how to start the program and how to interact with it, required file formats etc.
    • Developer documentation (2-5 pages): This should include all the information that another student would need to continue your project. As a minimum, you need complete code documentation (e.g., created with javadoc or doxygen), a class diagram, and an overview description how the classes interact.
    • The software in an archive, including a working executable, and/or a tagged version of the software in the used revision control system (SVN, GIT, ...).
    • An entry in our publication database, where you upload the two documentations as pdf files and a descriptive image (with help from advisor).

Industry Topics

A project may also be completed in cooperation with a company. Such external projects have to conform to a number of guidelines.