
  • The next lecture will take place in WS24.
  • The lecture will be in english.
  • For questions please contact (rendEng @

General Information

Lecture Times

Where: Seminarraum FAV 05 (Seminarraum 186)
Start date: 08.09.2024
Time: Tuesday 13:15 (s.t.) - 15:00

more information on TISS.

Communication & Materials


Status and upcoming lectures

Upcoming lectures (preliminary schedule, dates/times and room in TISS):

  • 08.10.2024 - Organization
  • 15.10.2024 - Introduction, Optimization techniques for rendering engines
  • 22.10.2024 - Scene representation
  • 29.10.2024 - Rendering Engine Architectures, Representing fully dynamic scenes
  • 05.11.2024 - Optimization techniques for fully dynamic scenes
  • 12.11.2024 - Materials and Rendering Engines
  • 19.11.2024 - Domain Specific Languages for Rendering Engines
  • 26.11.2024 - Dataflow in Scenarify 
  • 03.12.2024 - Shading System and Global Illumination
  • 21.01.2024 - Project Presentations
  • Prerecorded: Prerecorded, Applied Datastructures for Rendering Engines


The LV Team

The Aardvark Platform Team in alphabetical order: Daniel Cornel, Georg Haaser, Christian Luksch, Stefan Maierhofer, Harald Steinlechner, Attila Szabo, Andreas Walch.


Last lectures

This lecture is based on previous work of Robert F. Tobler. Previous lecture websites are available here: Entwurf und Programmierung einer Rendering-Engine 2019





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EngineTeaser.pdf 223.19 KB