Source code for LDA_simplified

import numpy as np
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.tokenize import wordpunct_tokenize
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer
import string
from gensim.corpora import Dictionary
from gensim.models import LdaMulticore
from matplotlib import colors as mcolors
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
import pandas as pd  # pip install pandas

# noinspection SpellCheckingInspection

[docs]class LDA: """ Init of class: load and clean the data, and make the first ldsa clustering with the the given k cluster :param: k: desired number of clusters used in LDA , should be at least 2, and 10 at maximum :param: path: Load path of the file """ def __init__(self, k, path): self.orig_clust_num = k self.num_of_clusters = k self.data_path = path # Some default value self.cosine_sim_threshold = 0.3 self.word_prob_range = 0 #Build up colors dictionary self.cols = {} cmaps = ['Blues', 'Oranges', 'Greens', 'Reds', 'Purples', 'copper', 'RdPu', 'Greys', 'YlGn', 'BuGn'] self.colormaps = {} for i, key in enumerate(mcolors.TABLEAU_COLORS.keys()): cl = key.replace('tab:', '') self.cols[i] = cl self.colormaps[cl] = cmaps[i] self.colors = self.cols self.col = list(self.cols.values())[:self.num_of_clusters] self.data_read = self.read_data() self.data_filtered = self.filter_data self.cleaned_data, self.node_dict = self.clean_lemmatize_data() self.lda_dict, self.lda_bag_of_words = self.build_bag_of_words_model() self.lda_model = self.get_lda() self.lda_most_rel_topics = self.get_most_relevant_topics() self.parall_coords = self.get_parall_coord_df() self.topic_df = self.format_topics_sentence() self.topic_nodes = self.get_topic_nodes self.filtered_topic_df = None self.document_nodes = self.get_document_nodes() self.cos_sim = self.calculate_cosine_similarity() self.edges = self.get_filtered_edges() self.filtered_paarcord_topics_df = None self.last_selected_cluster = None self.last_selected_cluster_from_clust_sum_view = None self.top_topic_for_terms = None self.clusters_to_merge = None self.get_top_topic_for_words() self.word_probs = self.get_word_probabilities() self.indexed_topic_node_df = self.set_indexed_topic_node_df()
[docs] def read_data(self): """ Read the original dataset with bssoup xml extractor :return: data stored in BeautiflSoup instance """ with open(self.data_path, encoding="utf8", errors="ignore") as fl: fle = bs_data = BeautifulSoup(fle, "xml") return bs_data
@property def filter_data(self): """ Filter for the paper-defined time interval(1994-2010) Separate the title and the document description Store in dictionary format: k: Title , v: document text :return: Filtered data stored in dictionary<title, document text> """ dataset = self.data_read.find_all(True) filtered_docs = {} for tag in dataset: try: # Filter the years date = int(tag.find('year').text) if 1994 < date < 2010: doc_text = tag.find('docText').text doc_splitted = doc_text.split('\n') # Fitler if multiple linebreaks separate the title and the text doc_splitted = [d for d in doc_splitted if len(d) > 0] # Extract the title title = doc_splitted[0] # Assign the text to the title in the dictionary filtered_docs[title] = doc_splitted[1] except: pass return filtered_docs
[docs] def get_k(self): """ :return: number of clusters specified """ return self.num_of_clusters
[docs] def clean_lemmatize_data(self): """ Cleaning of data based on the paper description and with further useful approaches: - tokenize - removal of numeric characters - removal of punctuations - removal of stopwords - lemmatize the 'cleaned data' :return: dict<document_number, title> , dict<title, cleaned_text> """ sw = stopwords.words('english') lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer() punctuations = set(string.punctuation) cleaned_texts = {} node_dict = {} for i, (key, b_u) in enumerate(self.data_filtered.items()): #Tokenize the data on the delimiterss b_tok = wordpunct_tokenize( b_u.replace('Case study', '').replace('VRMosaic', '').replace('Research report', '')) #Remove punctuations res = [s.translate(str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation)) for s in b_tok] #lowercase all the words b_tok = [b.lower() for b in res] #Remove empty elements, stopwords, punctuations, and digits b_cleaned = [b for b in b_tok if not b in sw and not b in punctuations and not b.isdigit() and b != '' and len(b) > 1] #Lemmatize the cleaned words b_lemm = [lemmatizer.lemmatize(b) for b in b_cleaned] # dictionary - key: title , value: cleaned document cleaned_texts[key] = b_lemm #node dictionary for the networkd graph: assign id to titles , this will help to extract the node selection # to refer to the proper document node_dict[i] = key return cleaned_texts, node_dict
[docs] def build_bag_of_words_model(self): """ Build the bag of words model from the cleaned data And the dictionary of the unique words :return: dictonary of all words, bag of words model of the documents """ lda_dictionary = Dictionary(self.cleaned_data.values()) lda_bag_of_words = [lda_dictionary.doc2bow(c, allow_update=True) for c in self.cleaned_data.values()] return lda_dictionary, lda_bag_of_words
[docs] def get_lda(self): """ Model LDA with the given cluster number and the built up bag of words model :return: lda model """ lda_model: LdaMulticore = LdaMulticore(corpus=self.lda_bag_of_words, id2word=self.lda_dict, num_topics=self.num_of_clusters) return lda_model
[docs] def get_most_relevant_topics(self): """ extract the most relevant top 4 terms for the topics (relevant for topic node representation) :return:dict<cluster_id, [top_4_terms_for_cluster]> """ term_topics = {} for i in range(self.num_of_clusters): topic_id = i term_topics[topic_id] = [] for ld in self.lda_model.get_topic_terms(i, topn=4): term_topics[topic_id].append(self.lda_dict[ld[0]]) return term_topics
[docs] def get_col(self): """ :return: cluster colors (extracted from matplotlib colors) """ return self.col
[docs] def get_word_probabilities(self): """ extract all the word probabilities from the lda model for each cluster :return: dict<topic_id, [word_probabilitities]> """ word_probs = {} for i in range(self.num_of_clusters): topic_id = i word_probs[topic_id] = [] for l in self.lda_model.get_topic_terms(i, topn=len(self.lda_dict)): word_probs[topic_id].append((self.lda_dict[l[0]], l[1])) return word_probs
[docs] def get_parall_coord_df(self): """ Build pandas dataframe for the paralell coordinates view :return: pandas dataframe for documents with their dominant topic """ parall_coords = {} for i, b in zip(self.cleaned_data.keys(), self.lda_bag_of_words): parall_coords[i] = self.lda_model[b] parall_coord_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({k: dict(v) for k, v in parall_coords.items()}) parall_coord_df = parall_coord_df.replace(np.nan, 0) parall_coord_df = parall_coord_df.transpose() parall_coord_df = parall_coord_df.reindex(sorted(parall_coord_df.columns), axis=1) parall_coord_df['Dominant_Topic'] = parall_coord_df.idxmax(axis="columns") return parall_coord_df
[docs] def color_assign_to_topic(self, x): """ :param x: topic id :return: color assigned to topic x (dict) """ return self.colors[x]
[docs] def color_assign_to_topic_with_opacity(self, x): """ Assign color to topics with opacity :param x: topic id :return: opaque color for term highlighting """ color_with_opacity = list(mcolors.to_rgba(self.colors[x])) color_with_opacity[3] = 0.3 rgba = f'rgba({color_with_opacity[0] * 255}, {color_with_opacity[1] * 255}, {color_with_opacity[2] * 255}, {color_with_opacity[3]})' return rgba
[docs] def format_topics_sentence(self): """ build up a pandas dataframe with several useful informations: document - Topic belongings, contribution, assigned color keywords :return: pd.DataFrame('Document_No', 'Dominant_Topic', 'Topic_Perc_Contrib', 'Keywords', 'Text', 'Title','color') """ sent_topics_df = pd.DataFrame() # Get main topic in each document for i, row_list in enumerate(self.lda_model[self.lda_bag_of_words]): row = row_list[0] if self.lda_model.per_word_topics else row_list row = sorted(row, key=lambda x: (x[1]), reverse=True) # Get the Dominant topic, Perc Contribution and Keywords for each document for j, (topic_num, prop_topic) in enumerate(row): if j == 0: # => dominant topic wp = self.lda_model.show_topic(topic_num) topic_keywords = ", ".join([word for word, prop in wp]) sent_topics_df = sent_topics_df.append( pd.Series([int(topic_num), round(prop_topic, 4), topic_keywords]), ignore_index=True) else: break sent_topics_df.columns = ['Dominant_Topic', 'Perc_Contribution', 'Topic_Keywords'] titles = self.cleaned_data.keys() texts = self.cleaned_data.values() document_nums = pd.Series(sorted(self.node_dict.keys())) titles = pd.Series(titles) # Add original text to the end of the output contents = pd.Series(texts) sent_topics_df = pd.concat([document_nums, sent_topics_df, contents, titles], axis=1) sent_topics_df = sent_topics_df.reset_index(drop = True) sent_topics_df.columns = ['Document_No', 'Dominant_Topic', 'Topic_Perc_Contrib', 'Keywords', 'Text', 'Title'] # Convert dominaant topic to int sent_topics_df['Dominant_Topic'] = sent_topics_df['Dominant_Topic'].astype(int) sent_topics_df['color'] = sent_topics_df.apply(lambda x: self.color_assign_to_topic(x['Dominant_Topic']), axis=1) return sent_topics_df
@property def get_topic_nodes(self): """ build dictionary for the topics which will be input for the cytoscape node, generate a random position as well :return: <topic_id, (color, position)> """ topic_dict = {} for k, v in self.lda_most_rel_topics.items(): #random position pos = np.random.randint(900, size=2) topic_id = f'Cluster {k}' # key: topic id, value: [top terms for the topic with linebreak, color assigned to topic, position of the # topic node] topic_dict[topic_id] = (' '.join(v).replace(' ', '\n'), self.colors[k], pos) return topic_dict
[docs] def set_indexed_topic_node_df(self): """ topic dataframe in indexed format: for faster searching :return: indexed df """ df = self.topic_df.copy() df.set_index('Document_No', inplace= True) return df
def get_indexed_topic_node_df(self): return self.indexed_topic_node_df
[docs] def get_color_with_opacity(self, id, is_node_id): """ :param id: id of the node /cluster :param is_node_id: bool, whether the selected cyoscape element is document node or cluster node :return: opaque color for the background """ if is_node_id: color = self.color_assign_to_topic_with_opacity(self.get_indexed_topic_node_df().loc[int(id)]['Dominant_Topic']) else: color = self.color_assign_to_topic_with_opacity(int(str(id).replace('Cluster ',''))) return color
[docs] def get_colormap_for_cluster(self): """ Build colormap for wordcloud :return: colormap related to current cluster (assigned by the already related cluster color) """ return self.colormaps[self.col[int(self.get_last_selected_cluster())]]
[docs] def get_document_nodes(self): """ build dictionary for document nodes to the cytoscape network visualization :return: dict<document_id,(document_title, document_color: color of the cluster,cluster)> """ doc_nodes = {} if self.filtered_topic_df is None: iterable_df = self.topic_df.copy() else: iterable_df = self.filtered_topic_df.copy() for idx, d in iterable_df.iterrows(): cluster_id = 'Cluster ' + str(d['Dominant_Topic']) doc_nodes[str(d['Document_No'])] = (d['Title'], d['color'], cluster_id) return doc_nodes
[docs] def calculate_cosine_similarity(self): """ Calculate Cosine similarity between the documents with sklearn implementation Also removing the duplicities (taking only the upper trinagle elements from the result) In order to avoid duplicate edges on the graph :return: cosine_sim_matrix = np.array([number_of_documents,number_of_documents]) """ data = [] #prepare input for the sklearn cosine similarity function for k in sorted(self.node_dict.keys()): data.append(" ".join(self.cleaned_data[self.node_dict[k]])) vec = TfidfVectorizer() x = vec.fit_transform( data) # Calculate the pairwise cosine similarities (depending on the amount of data that you are going to have this # could take a while) matrix_similarity = cosine_similarity(x) # Remove duplicates + diagonal: cosine similarity returns a symmetric matrix, where the diagonal and the # lower or upper triangular is irrelevant tril_ind = np.tril_indices(matrix_similarity.shape[0]) mat_sim_upper = matrix_similarity.copy() mat_sim_upper[tril_ind] = -1 return mat_sim_upper
[docs] def get_filtered_edges(self): """ Get the visible edges (edges between document nodes over the cosine sim threshold :return: [(node_0, node_1, cosine_similarity value),...] """ #filter edges based on the given threshold filtered_edges = np.argwhere(self.cos_sim >= self.cosine_sim_threshold) # get the document ids -> since document removal is also a function, simply returning the index at the matching # points are not enough, since then the graph might attempt to create edge with a non-existing document, # which throws an error doc_ids = sorted(self.node_dict.keys()) cos_sim_edges = [] if self.filtered_topic_df is None: available_docs = set(self.topic_df['Document_No'].tolist()) else: available_docs = set(self.filtered_topic_df['Document_No'].tolist()) for f in filtered_edges: idx_0 = doc_ids[f[0]] idx_1 = doc_ids[f[1]] if idx_0 in available_docs and idx_1 in available_docs: cos_sim_edges.append((idx_0, idx_1, self.cos_sim[f[0], f[1]])) return cos_sim_edges
def get_doc_nodes_(self): return self.get_document_nodes() def get_topic_nodes_(self): return self.get_topic_nodes def get_edges_(self): return self.get_filtered_edges() def get_parall_coords_(self): return self.parall_coords def get_colors(self): return self.colors def get_topics_df(self): return self.topic_df def get_document_title_by_id(self, value): return self.node_dict[value] def get_data(self): return pd.DataFrame(list(self.data_filtered.items()), columns=['title', 'document']) def get_number_of_clusters(self): return self.num_of_clusters #setup the desired number of clusters def set_number_of_clusters(self, value): self.num_of_clusters = value #Setup new cosine similarity filter based on the slider value def set_cosine_sim_treshold(self, value): self.cosine_sim_threshold = value self.update_cosine_sim() def set_word_prob_range(self, value): self.word_prob_range = value # To remove documents:
[docs] def remove_document(self, value): """ Remove documents by clicking on the delete document button :param value: id of the document node :return: updated dictionary of nodes, by removing the marked document """ # Update the document list: LDA has to be recalculated del self.cleaned_data[self.node_dict[value]] del self.node_dict[value] self.update_lda()
[docs] def reset_settings(self): """ Reset the the view and the lda class itself with the original cluster number """ self.__init__(self.orig_clust_num, self.data_path)
[docs] def update_lda(self): """ Re-cluster with the new cluster number (reaction of "update" button on the app) """ self.lda_dict, self.lda_bag_of_words = self.build_bag_of_words_model() self.lda_model = self.get_lda() self.update_lda_related_class_elements()
[docs] def update_cosine_sim(self): """ Update cosine similarites """ self.cos_sim = self.calculate_cosine_similarity() self.edges = self.get_filtered_edges()
def lda_get_lda_model(self): return self.lda_model def get_lda_model_state(self): return self.lda_model.state #word to id from the lda id2word, in order to extract the word lambdas by index def get_term_invert_dict(self): term_invert_dict = {v: k for k, v in self.lda_model.id2word.items()} return term_invert_dict def get_topic_term_prob_matrix(self): topics_terms_proba_matrix = np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: x / x.sum(), 1, self.get_lda_model_state().get_lambda()) return topics_terms_proba_matrix #not used in the final version def update_term_topic_weight(self, topic_idx, term, new_term_weight): term_idx = self.get_term_invert_dict()[term] self.updated_term_topic_proba = self.get_topic_term_prob_matrix().copy() self.updated_term_topic_proba[topic_idx, term_idx] = new_term_weight return self.updated_term_topic_proba # not used in the final version #Build up a new state with the updated weights, then make an inference step (not working currently) def term_prob_update_lda(self): self.lda_model.init_dir_prior(self.updated_term_topic_proba, 'eta') self.lda_model.inference(self.lda_bag_of_words) self.lda_model.update(self.lda_bag_of_words) # #
[docs] def filter_parall_coords_topic_contribution(self, value): """ filter paralell coordinates based on the input value (>value has to be kept) filtering also the document-topic df to filter in cytoscape :param value: paralell coordinate filter threshold :return:filtered paralell coordinates and topic dataframe """ self.filtered_paarcord_topics_df = self.get_topics_df().copy() #get_indexed_topic_node_df self.filtered_paarcord_topics_df = self.filtered_paarcord_topics_df[self.filtered_paarcord_topics_df['Topic_Perc_Contrib'] >= value] remained_docs = self.filtered_paarcord_topics_df['Document_No'].tolist() self.filtered_topic_df = self.topic_df[self.topic_df['Document_No'].isin(remained_docs)]
def get_filtered_parall_coords_df(self): return self.get_parall_coord_df().loc[self.filtered_paarcord_topics_df['Title']]
[docs] def get_top_n_word_probs_for_topic_i(self, topic_id, n = 10): """ Term weight table input: extract the top n words for the currently selected topic :param topic_id: id of the cluster :param n: number of words to be extracted :return: dataframe with the words and the related probabilities """ get_word_probs = self.word_probs[topic_id] word = [] probs = [] for g in get_word_probs: word.append(g[0]) probs.append(g[1]) word_probs_df = pd.DataFrame(data={'Words': word, 'Probabilities': probs}) #get only the top n words word_probs_df = word_probs_df.sort_values(by='Probabilities', ascending=False).head(n) word_probs_df.sort_values(by='Probabilities', ascending=True, inplace=True) return word_probs_df
def set_last_selected_cluster(self, value): self.last_selected_cluster = value def get_last_selected_cluster(self): return self.last_selected_cluster
[docs] def get_top_topic_for_words(self): """ build Topic - word - probability df with the related opaque color for term highlight in document view :return: pandas.DataFrame('Word', 'Color') """ topic = [] word = [] prob = [] for k, v in self.get_word_probabilities().items(): for e in v: topic.append(k) word.append(e[0]) prob.append(e[1]) all_word_probs = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Topic', 'Word', 'Probability']) all_word_probs['Topic'] = topic all_word_probs['Word'] = word all_word_probs['Probability'] = prob # Sort by probability in descending order all_word_probs.sort_values(by='Probability', ascending=False, inplace=True) # Drop duplicate terms, keep always the first --> Get only the top topics for term all_word_probs_distinct = all_word_probs.drop_duplicates(subset='Word', keep='first') all_word_probs_distinct['Color'] = all_word_probs_distinct\ .apply(lambda x: self.color_assign_to_topic_with_opacity(x['Topic']), axis=1) all_word_probs_distinct.reset_index(drop=True,inplace=True) self.top_topic_for_terms = all_word_probs_distinct.drop(columns=['Topic', 'Probability'])
def get_terms_with_best_topic(self): return self.top_topic_for_terms
[docs] def build_term_higlights(self, doc_input): """ Setup the document view by highlighting the most relevant terms with their topic correspondence :param doc_input: Id of the document :return: str(): document as string, with the proper html tags assigned for specific terms (will be used in the visualization by dash.DangerouslySetInnerHTML()) """ #lowercase and lemmatize doc_desc = doc_input['document'].tolist()[0] b_tok = wordpunct_tokenize(doc_desc) # lowercase all the words b_low = [b.lower() for b in b_tok] lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer() # Lemmatize the cleaned words b_lemm = [lemmatizer.lemmatize(b) for b in b_low] doc_highlighted = b_tok top_topic_list = self.top_topic_for_terms['Word'].tolist() # Assign the the highlighting to the raw text (unlemmatized etc.) for i, b in enumerate(b_lemm): if b in top_topic_list: color = self.top_topic_for_terms[self.top_topic_for_terms['Word'] == b]['Color'].tolist()[0] doc_highlighted[i] = doc_highlighted[i].replace(doc_highlighted[i],f"<span style=\"background-color:" f" {color};\>{doc_highlighted[i]}" f"</span> ") doc_string = ' '.join(doc_highlighted) return doc_string
def set_last_selected_cluster_from_clust_sum_view(self, cluster_id): self.last_selected_cluster_from_clust_sum_view = cluster_id def get_last_selected_cluster_from_clust_sum_view(self): return self.last_selected_cluster_from_clust_sum_view def set_clusters_to_merge(self, clusters): self.clusters_to_merge = clusters def get_clusters_to_merge(self): return self.clusters_to_merge
[docs] def delete_cluster(self): """ Remove cluster from lda: modifying the state of the model :return: lda with the removed cluster """ cluster_id = int(self.get_last_selected_cluster_from_clust_sum_view().replace('Cluster ', '')) new_state = self.get_lda_model_state() #get the current word probabilites to topics word_probs_stats = new_state.__dict__['sstats'] #remove the cluster word_probs_stats = np.delete(word_probs_stats, cluster_id, 0) #Update the state - with the removal of the cluster new_state.__dict__['sstats'] = word_probs_stats.astype(np.double) #set the reduced cluster number self.num_of_clusters = int(new_state.__dict__['sstats'].shape[0]) # init the lda with cluster number and term dict self.lda_model = LdaMulticore(num_topics=self.num_of_clusters, id2word=self.lda_dict) # Set the state for the saved one self.lda_model.state = new_state self.lda_model.inference(self.lda_bag_of_words) self.update_lda_related_class_elements()
[docs] def merge_cluster(self, cluster_ids): """ Merge clusters selected from the checklist: sum up the probs at row wise :param cluster_ids: cluster ids selected in checklist :return: model with merged clusters """ current_state = self.get_lda_model_state() new_state = current_state current_lda_stats = current_state.__dict__['sstats'] clust_id_int = [int(c) for c in cluster_ids] merge_clust_array = np.zeros([len(cluster_ids), len(self.lda_dict.keys())]) for i,c in enumerate(clust_id_int): merge_clust_array[i, :] = current_lda_stats[c, :] curr_stats_cleaned = np.delete(current_lda_stats,clust_id_int,0) #sum up the statistics merged_clusters = np.sum(merge_clust_array,axis=0,keepdims=True) final_cluster_stats = np.concatenate((curr_stats_cleaned, merged_clusters), axis=0) new_state.__dict__['sstats'] = final_cluster_stats self.num_of_clusters = int(new_state.__dict__['sstats'].shape[0]) # init the lda with cluster number and term dict self.lda_model = LdaMulticore(num_topics=self.num_of_clusters, id2word=self.lda_dict) # Set the state for the saved one self.lda_model.state = new_state self.lda_model.inference(self.lda_bag_of_words) self.update_lda_related_class_elements()