Source code for visualization

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

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[docs]def get_graph_topic_nodes(): """ extract the color from class settings: will be defined in stylesheet the label is the top 4 words :return: topic nodes in cytoscape format """ return [{'data': {'id': id_, 'label': vals[0]}, 'classes': f'topic_{vals[1]}' #,"opacity": 0.1 ,'position':{'x' : vals[2][0] , 'y' : vals[2][1]} } for id_,vals in lda.get_topic_nodes_().items() ]
# In[15]: # document nodes: id by document id, class defined in stylesheet, # define the color and belonging
[docs]def get_graph_document_nodes(): """ :return: graph document nodes with the proper coloring in cytoscape format """ return [ {'data': {'id': id_,'size': 1000}, 'style': {'shape': 'circle'}, 'classes': vals[1] #vals[1] } for id_,vals in lda.get_doc_nodes_().items() ]
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[docs]def get_graph_cos_sim_edges(): """ :return: edges within document based on cosine similarity """ return [ {'data': {'source': f[0], 'target': f[1],'label': f'{f[0]} -> {f[1]}'}} for f in lda.get_edges_() ]
# In[17]: # edges between the topics and the related documents: they are invisible
[docs]def get_doc_topic_edges(): """ :return: Invisible edges within document nodes and their dominant topic """ return [ {'data': {'source': id_, 'target': vals[2],'label': f'{id_} -> {vals[2]}',"edgeLength":200, 'size': 5}, 'style': {'line-color': 'white', "opacity": 0}} for id_,vals in lda.get_doc_nodes_().items() ]
# In[18]: # Update stylessheet: define all the new clusters class settings # after the update_lda step e.g.
[docs]def update_stylesheet(): """ Update stylessheet: define all the new clusters class settings (colors etc.) :return: Updated graph stylesheet """ colors = sorted(set([vals[1] for id_,vals in lda.get_doc_nodes_().items()])) #get the new colors for the topics and the nodes node_classes = [{ 'selector': f'.{c}', 'style': { 'background-color': c } } for c in colors] topic_classes = [{ 'selector': f'.topic_{c}', 'style': { 'border-color': c, 'border-width': 2, 'background-color': 'white', 'shape': 'rectangle','content': 'data(label)','text-halign':'center', 'text-valign':'center','text-wrap': 'wrap','width':'label','height':'label'} }for c in colors ] return node_classes + topic_classes # Class selectors
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[docs]def build_cluster_summary_view(): """ prepare the data for the cluster summary view :return: data in cluster summary view feedable format """ clust = 'Clusters' labels = [clust] parents = [''] marker_colors = ["white"] text_info = [''] for id_,vals in lda.get_topic_nodes_().items(): labels.append(id_) text_info.append(vals[0].replace('\n','<br>')) parents.append(clust) marker_colors.append(vals[1]) clust_sum_view = dict() clust_sum_view['labels'] = labels clust_sum_view['parents'] = parents clust_sum_view['marker_colors'] = marker_colors clust_sum_view['text_info'] = text_info return clust_sum_view
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[docs]def build_cluster_merge_list(): """ Prepare the checklist for the merge cluster functionality :return: dash checklist content with proper label """ clusters = [] for k in lda.get_topic_nodes().keys(): clusters.append({'label': k, 'value': k.replace('Cluster ', '')}) return clusters
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[docs]def plot_wordcloud(number_of_words = 20): ''' Wordcloud plot :param number_of_words: number of words to be plotted (default: 20) :return: Wordcloud plot (image, not interactive, but the words are not overlapped) ''' clust_id =lda.get_last_selected_cluster() words = lda.get_top_n_word_probs_for_topic_i(clust_id, number_of_words)['Words'] probs = lda.get_top_n_word_probs_for_topic_i(clust_id, number_of_words)['Probabilities'] data = {a : x for a, x in zip(words, probs)} wc = WordCloud(background_color='white', width=480, height=360) wc.fit_words(data) #lda.get_colormap_for_cluster(clust_id) wc.recolor(colormap=lda.get_colormap_for_cluster()) return wc.to_image()