Interactive Dynamic Volume Illumination with Refraction and Caustics
Implementation of the paper "Interactive Dynamic Volume Illumination with Refraction and Caustics" by Jens Magnus and Stefan Bruckner
The Program is written with the provided QT Opengl Framework based on the "Visualisation 1" course. The backend is written in modern OpenGL (4.5).
The main steps of the algorithm are done on the GPU.
General Pipeline of the Implementation:
Features of the User Interface:
- Checkboxes to enable/disable certain features (light Refraction, Intensity correction, direction filtering and Specular lighting) like described in the paper
- Light direction can be changed with xy-sliders (Note that the light rotates along with the camera rotation)
- The light color can be changed with the available RGB-sliders
- The Medium Transfer function can be used to change medium color (rgb channels) and index of refraction (IOR, alpha channel) of corresponding density values
- The Color Transfer function can be used to change opacity (alpha channel) and color (rgb channels) of corresponding density values
- Currently there are 6 datasets available for exploration at the moment (sources come with the .dat files)
Program Docs
Source Code