No Matches

The following are the intermediate textures generated to produce the final image (Hover over them to get more information). The first pass is the internal structure rasterization pass, and the second pass is the raymarching & compositing pass.

A rendering of a large protein molecule where the same atoms are colored with the same color. A rendering of a large protein molecule where the mesh is colored based on the XYZ position of the vertices. A rendering of a large protein molecule where pixels containing a fragment of the rendered mesh are colored bright red. A rendering of a large protein molecule where the internal structure is visible through a foggy representation of the solvent exclusive surface of the molecule.

The following are some more images of the final rendering of the molecule using the different rendering modes of the surface.

Surface rendering mode "Depth"
Surface rendering mode "Normals"
Surface rendering mode "Phong"
Surface rendering mode "Flat"
Surface rendering mode "Step Count" (dark = lower count of raymarching steps, bright = higher count of raymarching steps)
Surface rendering mode "Depth" with reflections