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Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 // Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file.
00003 // Used by 3dvis.rc
00004 //
00005 #define IDD_ABOUTBOX                    100
00007 #define IDD_FILEINFODIALOG_DIALOG       103
00008 #define IDD_VOLUME_DIALOG               104
00009 #define IDR_MAINFRAME                   128
00010 #define IDR_MY3DVITYPE                  129
00011 #define IDR_VOLUMEFRAME                 130
00012 #define IDD_DIALOG_INI_FILE             144
00013 #define IDC_RADIO_XY                    1000
00014 #define IDC_RADIO_YZ                    1001
00015 #define IDC_RADIO_XZ                    1002
00016 #define IDC_SLICE_DEPTH                 1003
00017 #define IDC_CHECK_ZOOM                  1005
00018 #define IDC_CHECK_USE_TRANSFER          1006
00019 #define IDC_STATIC_LEFT                 1010
00020 #define IDC_STATIC_RIGHT                1011
00021 #define IDC_COMBO_TRANSFER              1012
00022 #define IDC_BUTTON_TRANSFER_NEW         1013
00023 #define IDC_BUTTON_TRANSFER_DELETE      1014
00024 #define IDC_BUTTON_TRANSFER_COLOR       1015
00025 #define IDC_BUTTON_TRANSFER_SAVE        1016
00026 #define IDC_EDIT_TRANSFER_TO            1017
00027 #define IDC_BUTTON_TRANSFER_CLEAR       1018
00028 #define IDC_STATIC_TRANSFER_FROM        1019
00029 #define IDC_SLIDER_TRANSFER_ALPHA       1020
00030 #define IDC_EDIT_TRANSFER_ALPHA         1021
00031 #define IDC_BUTTON_TRANSFER_IMPORT      1022
00032 #define IDC_BUTTON_TRANSFER_EXPORT      1023
00033 #define IDC_STATIC_TRANSFER_MAXDENS     1024
00034 #define IDC_RADIO_VOLUME_NN             1030
00035 #define IDC_RADIO_VOLUME_TRI            1031
00036 #define IDC_EDIT_STEP_LENGTH            1032
00037 #define IDC_RADIO_ORTHO                 1033
00038 #define IDC_STATIC_INFO_FILENAME        1034
00039 #define IDC_STATIC_INFO_DIMX            1036
00040 #define IDC_STATIC_INFO_DIMY            1037
00041 #define IDC_STATIC_INFO_DIMZ            1038
00042 #define IDC_BUTTON_RENDER_VOLUME        1039
00043 #define IDC_RADIO_FIRSTHIT              1043
00044 #define IDC_RADIO_STANDARD              1044
00045 #define IDC_RADIO_MIP                   1045
00046 #define IDC_RADIO_XRAY                  1046
00047 #define IDC_EDIT_FH_THRESHOLD           1050
00048 #define IDC_RADIO_OPACITY_OP            1052
00050 #define IDC_EDIT_INI_FILETHRES          1054
00051 #define IDC_EDIT_INI_PACKETSIZE         1055
00052 #define IDC_EDIT_WIDTH                  1056
00053 #define IDC_EDIT_HEIGHT                 1057
00054 #define IDC_EDIT_ZOOM                   1059
00055 #define IDC_BUTTON_BGCOLOR              1060
00056 #define IDC_EDIT_AMBIENT                1061
00057 #define IDC_EDIT_DIFFUSE                1062
00058 #define IDC_EDIT_SPECULAR               1064
00059 #define IDC_EDIT_HIGHLIGHT              1066
00060 #define IDC_EDIT_LIGHTPOS_X             1070
00061 #define IDC_EDIT_LIGHTPOS_Y             1071
00062 #define IDC_EDIT_LIGHTPOS_Z             1072
00063 #define IDC_CHECK_LIGHT                 1073
00064 #define IDC_EDIT_XRAY_MIN               1074
00065 #define IDC_EDIT_XRAY_MAX               1075
00066 #define IDC_BUTTON_X_PLUS               1076
00067 #define IDC_BUTTON_X_MINUS              1077
00068 #define IDC_BUTTON_Y_PLUS               1078
00069 #define IDC_BUTTON_Y_MINUS              1079
00070 #define IDC_EDIT1                       1080
00071 #define IDC_EDIT_X_ANGLE                1080
00072 #define IDC_EDIT2                       1081
00073 #define IDC_EDIT_Y_ANGLE                1081
00074 #define IDC_BUTTON_Z_PLUS               1082
00075 #define IDC_BUTTON_Z_MINUS              1083
00076 #define IDC_EDIT_Z_ANGLE                1084
00077 #define ID_RENDER_VOLUME                32771
00078 #define ID_FILE_INFO                    32773
00079 #define ID_F_CLOSE                      32774
00080 #define ID_OPTIONS_TRANSFER             32775
00081 #define ID_FILE_SAVE_IMAGE              32776
00082 #define ID_MENU_VOLUME                  32777
00083 #define ID_FILE_INI                     32778
00084 #define ID_PRESET_0                     32780
00085 #define ID_PRESET_1                     32781
00086 #define ID_PRESET_2                     32782
00087 #define ID_PRESET_3                     32783
00088 #define ID_PRESET_4                     32784
00089 #define ID_PRESET_5                     32785
00090 #define ID_PRESET_6                     32786
00091 #define ID_PRESET_7                     32787
00092 #define ID_PRESET_8                     32788
00093 #define ID_PRESET_9                     32789
00095 // Next default values for new objects
00096 // 
00099 #define _APS_3D_CONTROLS                     1
00100 #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE        146
00101 #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE         32779
00102 #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE         1082
00103 #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE           105
00104 #endif
00105 #endif

Generated on Thu Jan 30 21:35:43 2003 for 3DVis by doxygen1.3-rc2