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Todo List

Class TLine
Add a rendering class for the Two Level Ray Caster.

Class TTransfer
Refine nearLine to find all lines.

Class TTransferForm
Change file extension from .xml to .vtr (Volume Transferfunction.

Add Transfer-View packground to file save and load.

Class TTwoLevelForm
Adjustable reference (intensity) value for Average Ray Caster.

Threshold value for NPR Ray Caster.

Separate power for border value for NPR Ray Caster from phong shading power.

Stop, start and restart buttons (How should stop be handled? Reset? Continue?).

Save and Load TL ray caster setting.

Export images.

Member TTwoLevelForm::_getGradient(vectord &v)
Reconstruct gradient instead of interpolating it.

Calculate interval length to harmonize _drawImage calculation time.

Member TTwoLevelForm::_renderImage()
code a two level ray caster.

adjust ray caster, so it can handle any resolution (others than sqares with a size of a multiple of 2).

Member TTwoLevelForm::_actres
adjust the ray casting algorythm in a way, so it can handle any target resolution.

Member TTwoLevelForm::_firstHit
Think about a alternative method to render multiple regions with first hit. How should the threshold be defined then?

Member TTwoLevelForm::_rpc
adjust the value by mesuring the time needed for the actual number or rays.

get resolution of preview image by measuring the cpu performance.

Generated on Thu Jan 23 06:17:40 2003 for Vol by doxygen1.2.18