Flow visualization
TDataSet.VelInt Method
function VelInt(p: TVector; dt: single; deg: shortint): TVector3f; register;

function TDataSet.VelGeo(x, y, z: single): TVector3f; var v00,v10,v01,v11,w0,w1:TVector3f; d,px,py:single; ix,iy,start,stop:integer; begin if (x>=1)or(y>=1)then Result:=AffineVectorMake(0,0,0) else begin if (geox[ceil(x*(geoaddr-1))]=geox[floor(x*(geoaddr-1))])then begin ix:=geox[floor(x*(geoaddr-1))]; d:=(Geo(ix+1,0,0)[0]-Geo(ix,0,0)[0])/geo(dimx-1,0,0)[0]; px:=(x-(Geo(ix,0,0)[0]/geo(dimx-1,0,0)[0]))/d; //!!!da sa predpocitat end else begin start:=geox[floor(x*(geoaddr-1))]; stop:=geox[ceil(x*(geoaddr-1))]; while (start

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