Flow visualization
TDataSet Class Fields
Pointer to access the additional data attributes. 
Pointer to additional attributes storage. 
Number of additional attribtes 
Dimensions of the dataset 
Dimensions of the dataset 
Dimensions of the dataset 
True if the x and y have to be clipped. 
File name of the dataset. 
Pointer to access the geographical data. 
Pointer to the geographical data storage. 
Normalized geographical data 
Maximal value of this attribute in selected time step 
Maximal value of this attribute in all time steps 
Maximal value of this attribute in selected time step 
Maximal value of this attribute in all time steps 
Maximal value of this attribute in selected time step 
Maximal value of this attribute in all time steps 
Maximal value of this attribute in selected time step 
Maximal value of this attribute in all time steps 
Maximal value of this attribute in selected time step 
Maximal value of this attribute in all time steps 
Maximal value of this attribute in selected time step 
Maximal value of this attribute in all time steps 
Maximal value of this attribute in selected time step 
Maximal value of this attribute in all time steps 
Maximal value of this attribute in selected time step 
Maximal value of this attribute in all time steps 
true if there is no geographical distorsion 
Number of time steps 
Pointer to access the velocity data 
Pointer to access the baricentric velocity data 
Pointer to the baricentric velocity data storage. 
Pointer to the velocity data storage. 
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