Flow visualization
TFlowBg Class Methods
Creates the Background texture for additional attribute 1 
Creates the Background texture for additional attribute 2 
Binds textures loaded from swap to memory with the graphic memory. 
Constructor, requests creation of background textures. 
If no swap exists, creates swapped background textures. 
Deletes no more used textures form memory (when swapped away) 
Frees all the memory 
Creates the Background texture for Direction 
Returns true, if swapped texture exists 
Initializes the texture shaders and register combiners 
Loads a texture form swap 
Load a Transfer function texture 
Loads transfer function textures 
Called once per frame, draws all the background textures 
Saves background textures to swap 
Handles the swapping by switching attributes to be shown (direction, speed ...) 
Creates a background texture for the speed attribute 
Creates a background texture for the X direction 
Creates a background texture for the X direction 
Creates a background texture for the X direction 
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