Flow visualization
TTF Class Fields
Access to the TAnimation structure. 
Access to the TColordialog component 
Type of attribute that is handled by this transfer function - direction, speed,... 
Number of node, that is being dragged. Default = -1. 
Access to the TDataSet structure. 
Access to the TFlow structure. 
Texture data of the global histogram texture. 
True if the global histogram (all timesteps in one) is shown. 
Pointer to the texture of the global histogram 
Pointer to the mesh of transfer node 
Texture data of histogram textures for all time steps 
Histogram values for single time steps. 
Histogram values for the global historagm 
Histogram texture pointers for all the time steps. 
Pointer to the mesh of transfer node 
Pointer to the mesh of transfer node 
Number of node, that is selected. Default = -1. 
If false, only the transfer functino is drawn. 
Number of transfer points. 
Array of instances of the TTransferNode class. 
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