Flow visualization
TTF Class Methods
Transforms TColor value to a 3d vector of <0..1> 
Constructor, creates default transfer functions. 
Deletes texture, when switched to another TTF instance. 
Deletes selected transfer node. 
Destructor. Frees memory. 
Determines color of a point form <0..1> 
Checks if a swapped histogram texture from previous usage of the dataset exists. 
Saves data for creation of the histogram texture for one time step. 
If no data swapped, this generates the global histogram texture data. 
If no data swapped, this generates the histogram texture data for one tiome step. 
Initializes the histogram and transfer node meshes (display lists) 
Loads a lit of transfer nodes form a file 
Creates histogram textures for all time steps and global histogram from a swapped file. 
Draw routine called one per frame. 
MouseUp handler 
Checks if there is a transfer node under the mouse pointer 
Used by onSelect. It draw one node for onSelect
Resets the transfer function to it default. 
Saves data to be swapped to HDD. 
Saves the array of transfer nodes to a file 
Makes the transfer function visible and loads the textures to graphical memory. 
Sorts the transfer nodes by their position 
Determines, if the mouse clicked into the transfer node i. 
makes no node selected 
Created with a demo version of Doc-O-Matic. This version is supplied for evaluation purposes only, do not distribute this documentation. To obtain a commercial license please see http://www.doc-o-matic.com/purchase.html.
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