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00007 #include <string>
00008 #include <iostream>
00009 #include <fstream>
00010 #include <vector>
00011 #include <sstream>
00013 #include "LifeVariables.h"
00014 #include "RawReader.h"
00015 #include "Error.h"
00016 #include "osdir.h"
00018 using namespace std;
00020 RawReader::RawReader() {
00021     this->openFlag = false;
00022     this->openDirFlag = false;
00023     this->voxelData = 0;
00024     this->size = 0;
00025     fileInfoString = "";
00026     try {
00027        this->openPath(DEFAULT_PATH);       
00028     }
00029     catch(Error e) {
00030         cout << e.getErrorMsg();
00031     }
00032 }
00034 void RawReader::openPath(string pathName) throw(Error){
00035     oslink::directory dataDir(pathName);
00036     string tempString;
00037     if(dataDir != NULL) {
00038         // clear the existing files if there are some
00039         if (this->fileList.size()> 0) {
00040             if(this->openFlag) {
00041                 close();
00042             }
00043             //cout << ">> clearing filelist." << endl;
00044             this->fileList.clear();
00045         }
00046         while(dataDir) {
00047             // read out the next file name
00048             tempString =;
00049             //  and add it to the vector iff it is a valid file name
00050             int pos = string::npos;
00051             if((pos = tempString.rfind(".dat")) != string::npos) {
00052                 this->fd = new FileDescription();
00053                 this->fd->name = tempString.substr(0, pos);
00054                 this->fd->path = pathName+tempString;
00055                 this->fileList.push_back(fd);
00056                 //cout << ">> adding file: " << tempString << endl;
00057             }
00058             tempString = "";
00059         }
00060         // somehow it doublecounts the last directory entry -> delete the last one
00061         if(this->fileList.size() > 1) {
00062             this->fileList.pop_back();
00063         }
00064         else if(this->fileList.size() == 0) {
00065             this->openFlag = false;
00066             this->openDirFlag = false;
00067             throw Error("The directory '"+pathName+"' does not contain any valid files.");
00068         }
00069     }
00070     else {
00071         this->openFlag = false;
00072         this->openDirFlag = false;   
00073         throw Error("The directory '"+pathName+"' does not exist.");       
00074     }
00075     this->openFlag = false;
00076     this->openDirFlag = true;
00077 }
00080 void RawReader::open(int index) throw(Error) {
00081     if(index > this->fileList.size()) {
00082         this->openFlag = false;
00083         throw Error("File is not in the directory.");        
00084     }
00085     if(openFlag) {        
00086         this->close();
00087     }
00089     unsigned short *cPtr = 0; 
00090         long ColNum = 0;
00091     long RowNum = 0;
00093         // get the name of the file from the list
00094     string fileName = this->>path;
00096         // create an input fileStream
00097     this->fileStream = new ifstream(fileName.c_str(), ios::in|ios::binary);
00098     if(this->fileStream->is_open()) {
00099         //cout << ">> reading file: " << fileName << endl;
00101         // get the dimensions of the dataset
00102         this->fileStream->read((char*)&dimX, 2);
00103         this->fileStream->read((char*)&dimY, 2);
00104         this->fileStream->read((char*)&dimZ, 2);
00106         ostringstream infoStream;
00107         infoStream << dimX << " x " << dimY << " x " << dimZ;
00108         fileInfoString =  infoStream.str();        
00110         // read out the densities
00111         this->size = dimX*dimY*dimZ;
00112         //cout << ">> file dimensions: " << dimX << " " << dimY << " " << dimZ << " " << size  << endl;
00113             this->voxelData = new unsigned short[size];
00115         if(this->voxelData!=0) {
00116             this->fileStream->read((char*)voxelData, sizeof(unsigned short)*size);
00117             /*
00118             for(int c = 0; c < size; c++) { 
00119                 this->fileStream->read((char*)&voxelData[c], 2);
00120             }
00121             */
00122             this->fileStream->close();
00123         }
00124         else {
00125             throw Error("File '"+ fileName + "' might be to big for loading."); 
00126         }
00129         this->openFlag = true;
00130     }
00131     else {
00132         this->openFlag = false;
00133         this->fileInfoString="-";
00134         throw Error("File '"+ fileName + "' could not be loaded."); 
00135     }    
00136 }
00139 void RawReader::close() {
00140     if(openFlag) {
00141         //cout << ">> closing opened file " << endl;
00142         //if(this->voxelData != 0) {
00143         //    delete[] this->voxelData;            
00144         //}
00145         this->openFlag = false;
00146         this->fileInfoString="-";
00147     }
00148 }
00151 char* RawReader::getFileNameAt(int index) throw(Error){
00152     if(index > fileList.size()) {
00153         throw Error("The filename is not in the list");
00154     }
00155     else {
00156         return &((FileDescription*)>name[0];
00157     }
00158 }

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