Previous (TDragBox)


Class Hierarchy

Related Unit


#Kein TAG im Quellcode gefunden#

Field Description
BoxPopup (*) #No TAG found in source code#
Button1 (*) #No TAG found in source code#
Button2 (*) #No TAG found in source code#
Button3 (*) #No TAG found in source code#
Button4 (*) #No TAG found in source code#
ChangeColor1 (*) #No TAG found in source code#
ColorDialog (*) #No TAG found in source code#
ColorPreview (*) #No TAG found in source code#
Delete1 (*) #No TAG found in source code#
DragBoxList (-) #No TAG found in source code#
DraggedAlphaBox (-) #No TAG found in source code#
DraggedBox (-) #No TAG found in source code#
DragMouseOffset (-) #No TAG found in source code#
HistMax (-) #No TAG found in source code#
Histogram (*) #No TAG found in source code#
HistogramData (-) #No TAG found in source code#
HistogramPanel (*) #No TAG found in source code#
lastMousePos (-) #No TAG found in source code#
N1 (*) #No TAG found in source code#
OpenDialog1 (*) #No TAG found in source code#
Panel3 (*) #No TAG found in source code#
PreviewPanel (*) #No TAG found in source code#
SaveDialog1 (*) #No TAG found in source code#
Splitter1 (*) #No TAG found in source code#
UpperLimit (-) #No TAG found in source code#

Method Description
AlphaBoxMouseDown (*) This function starts a drag operation for a alpha box. It sets the global variable to the observed box and sets the starting position for the mouse movement.
AlphaBoxMouseMove (*) This function moves the alpha box according to mouse movement. Every time this function is called, the boxes are resortet and the histogram and color bar are repainted.
AlphaBoxMouseUp (*) This function is called when a alpha box drag operation finishes.
Button3Click (*) This function loads a Transferfunction when clicking the Load-button
Button4Click (*) This function saves a Transferfunction when clicking the Save-button
CalcHistMax (*) This function calculates the maximum value of the histogram while leaving out values less or equal than startIndex
ColorPreviewDblClick (*) This function creates a drag box when doubleclicking the color preview bar
ColorPreviewMouseMove (*) This function keeps the last mouse position correct when moving the mouse over the panel.
ColorPreviewPaint (*) This function iterates through the drag boxes and draws a linearly interpolated color bar into the color preview panel.
Create (*) This is the constructor of the transfer form. Here the maximum value of the histogram is calculated.
DragBoxDblClick (*) This function displays a ColorDialog when doubleclicking a drag box.
DragBoxMouseDown (*) This function starts a drag operation for a drag box. It sets the global variable to the observed box and sets the starting position for the mouse movement.
DragBoxMouseMove (*) This function moves the drag box according to mouse movement. Every time this function is called, the boxes are resortet and the histogram and color bar are repainted.
DragBoxMouseUp (*) This function is called when a drag operation finishes. It resorts the elements an repaints the color preview and the histogram.
ExportTransferFunction (*) This function exports the TransferFunction as a set of control points corresponding to the drag boxes
FormCreate (*) This function is called then the form is created
FormDestroy (*) This function destroys the list of drag boxes when destroying the transfer form.
FreeDragBoxListItems (*) This function frees all memory used for drag boxes.
GetTransferArray (+) This function exports an array of colors to be used by rendering
HistogramPaint (*) This function repaints the histogram.
ImportTransferFunction (*) This function imports a transfer function and creates the drag and alpha boxes
LoadTransferFunction (*) This function loads the transfer function from a file
SaveTransferFunction (*) This function saves the transfer function to a file
UpdateAlphaBoxHint (*) This function updates the hint which is displayed when moving the mouse over an alpha box.
UpdateBoxHint (*) This function updates the hint which is displayed when moving the mouse over a drag or alpha box.

Property Description

Event Description

Symbol Visibility
- Private
# Protected
+ Public
* Published
A Automated

Previous (TDragBox)

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Under GNU GPL licence. Copyright (c) 2003 - TridenT.