Volume Viewer

Luksch Christian, 0525392
Jorit Posset, 0325435
WS 2007, Visualisierung


Volume Viewer is a program written in C# to visualize volume datasets, such as generated by CT scans. It uses GPU accelerated visualization techniques to display the volumetric data.

Vizualization Modes


A slice is put through the dataset to display a specific subset of the data. The slicing plane can either be aligned along the major axes X, Y and Z or with a user defined plane by draging with the left mouse button.



Simple raycasting is used to render the maximum intensity along the viewing rays. It gives a simple preview of the dataset.



Raycasting in combination with a transfer function is used to render the volume semi transparent to view inner structures of the dataset. A standard phong illumination model is used to shade the voxels. By dragging the left mouse button the light direction can be changed. The transfer function can be changed in real time, so a good visualization can be found quite easy.


Camera Movement

Right-Drag: Rotate the camera around the pivot point.
Mid-Drag: Slide the camera.
Wheel: Zoom to/off the pivot point (+CTRL: also moves pivot point).

Transfer Function Editor


This dialog is a simple editor for 2D transfer functions in real time. It also shows the histogram of the loaded dataset to make it easier to find an appropriate transfer function. The horizontal axis represents the density values and the vertical axis defines the opacity.
New control points can be created by left-clicking on the area. The points can be moved by dragging the with the left mouse button. To delete a point just right click it.
The color gradient is linked to the control points. To define a color of a control point, just double click it and a color dialog pops up.

Special Features

  • Save/Load all settings of the application.
  • Separately save specific transfer functions.
  • Reload shader during runtime.
  • Make high resolution screenshots.
  • Downloads

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    Online Documentation (best viewed with Internet Explorer)