Volume Member List

This is the complete list of members for Volume, including all inherited members.

calcHist()Volume [inline]
calculateGradient()Volume [inline]
Get(const int iX, const int iY, const int iZ) const Volume [inline]
Get(const int iIndex) const Volume [inline]
Get() const Volume [inline]
GetDepth() const Volume [inline]
getGradient(int x, int y, int z)Volume [inline]
GetHeight() const Volume [inline]
getHistEntry(int i)Volume [inline]
GetSize() const Volume [inline]
GetWidth() const Volume [inline]
histogramVolume [private]
loadVolume(const std::string strFilename)Volume [inline]
m_gradientVolume [private]
m_iDepthVolume [private]
m_iHeightVolume [private]
m_iWidthVolume [private]
m_vecVoxelsVolume [private]
Volume()Volume [inline]
Volume(const std::string &strFilename)Volume [inline]
~Volume(void)Volume [inline]

Generated on Wed Dec 10 14:46:52 2008 for VolumeRender by  doxygen