vistit the homepage Vienna University of TechnologyTECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT WIEN
Institut für Computergraphik und Algorithmen
Abteilung für Computergraphik



Author: Thomas Pönitz (0425863)

This application has been developed in the course of the Visualisierung LU during winter term 2008/2009.
It enables you to visualize flow data and is based on [1] Creating evenly-spaced streamlines of arbitrary density (1997) from Bruno Jobard and Wilfird Lefer.

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Graphical User Interface (Overview)

The window consists of 4 panels:

  • Viewport panel: The rendering viewport
  • Line Control panel: Controls the flow lines (step size, line distance, integration method, ...)
  • Color Control panel: Lets you select the data channel, grid drawing
  • Transfer function panel: Gives you control over the visualization of the selected data channel

There are additional controls in the window menu:

  • File: load data files
  • Transferfunction: load/save the transferfunction

Transfer Function

Defines a transfer function which mapps a data value to a color and opacity value.

  • A left double click inserts a point
  • With a right click you can choose a color for a point
  • Dragging with the left mouse button moves the point

[1] Bruno Jobard and Wilfird Lefer, "Creating Evenly Spaced Streamlines of Arbitrary Density", Visualization in Scientific Computing '97, Springer Vienna, 1997, pp. 43 - 54.