FlowVis is a tool to visualize 2D flow data. It uses techniques described in the paper Creating Evenly-Spaced
Streamlines of Arbitrary Density [1].
Graphical User Interface
The main window is split up into two panels, the
view panel and the control panel
Main Menu
Open: Opens a flow dataset
Save Image: Saves an image
of the current view. Width and height of the image must be entered.
Exit: Closes the program.
Control Panel
The Control Panel provides following sub-panels:
- Data
- Glyphs
- GPU Streamline
- Evenly Spaced Streamlines
Sub Panel
Data Panel
In the data panel the dataset information is displayed and channel +
transferfunctions can be selected.
- Dataset Information
- Select Data-Channel
- Load / Save / Edit transfer function for the
currently selected channel
![GUI Glyph](img/guiglyph.jpg)
Shows glyphs on a regular grid
- Enable / Disable Glyphs
- Glyph Density
- Size of the Glyphs
- Opacity of the Glyphs
- Color Mode (Constant, brightness of Glyph codes
velocity, use brightness as as opacity value)
- Arrow size (Constant, Size codes velocity)
Streamlines Panel
Shows Streamlines calculated on the GPU with seed points on a regular
- Enable / Disable GPU Streamlines
- Number of seed points in X and Y direction
- Number of integration steps
- Stepsize of one integration step
- Integration technique (Euler or Rungge/Kutter)
- Opacity
- Color
Evenly Spaced Streamlines
Shows evenly-spaced streamlines [1].
- Enable / Disable GPU Streamlines
- Linestyle (Line, Handdrawn style (Tappering),
- Line Effects (Glyphs, Texture)
- Density (Seperation and Testing distance)
- Opacity
- Integration technique (Euler or Rungge/Kutter
- Line and Glyph color
- Glyph size
Transfer Function Editor
![GUI Transferfunction](img/guitransferfunctioneditor.jpg)
Using the Editor
Clicking with the left mouse button adds a new color point.
Use drag & drop with the left mouse button on a point to move
it around. Clicking on a point with the right mouse button deletes it.
Double-Click on a color point opens the color dialog and a new color
can be selected for that point. The first and the last point are fixed
and cannot be moved or deleted, except the color value for the first
and last point can be set.
[1] Jobard, B. and Lefer, W., "Creating
evenly-spaced streamlines of arbitrary density", Visualization in
Scientific Computing, Vol 97, pp. 43-56, 1997