Arrow Plot
Velocity can be visualized using an overlay of arrows. These may optionally be scaled according to the magnitude of the velocity in their respective areas. A control field allows for choosing the desired number of arrows to display.
In addition to the arrow plot, velocity can be visualized using streamlines, using either the Euler or Runga-Kutta algorithm. Again, the number of lines may be chosen, as well as the number of iteration steps and the step size. For ease of use, the number of steps and their size can be proportionally locked.
A rudimentary game mode can be enabled, placing a quad at a random position in the viewing area. While the game is not paused, this quad will be influenced by the underlying velocity values, and may further be manipulated with the user-controlled quad. Pressing the left mouse button attracts the other quad, while using the right mouse button repels it. Both of these functions also depend on the distance between the two quads.
Should the quad leave the viewing area or a reset be otherwise desirable, the reset button can be used to repeatedly drop a new quad at a random location.
Customisable Transfer Function
simpleVIS uses a customisable transfer function to determine the colour and (in 3d mode only) opacity of each given density value in the volume data set.
A graph at the left side of the window displays the density histogram of the volume data and the current transfer function on top of it. Each node represents the colour and opacity (along the y axis) a given density value (along the x axis) should be rendered in. The colour and opacity for all density values between two nodes is linearly interpolated between the values at the nodes.
To add a node to the transfer function, simply left click anywhere on the histogram. A colour chooser dialog opens, letting you choose the colour for the new node, and once you have chosen, the new node appears, and the image updates to reflect the new transfer function a few moments later.
To delete a node, right click it. A few moments later, the node disappears and the image updates correspondingly.
To clear the complete transfer function, right click anywhere on the histogram but on a node.
Supports Arbitrarily Sized Data
simpleVIS can display data of any size. To load a file, simply use the menu bar to select File -> Open and choose the .dat file you want to load. simpleVIS provides limited support for non-uniform data files.