[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:Visualisierung_BSP1"]


Public classAbout
GUI for the about dialog
Public classLightControl
GUI for controlling the light intensity
Public classMainWindow
Main window of the application
Public classOpenFile
GUI for the open file dialog
Public classPlaneControl
Control for moving the plane
Public classTFalpha
Stores the combination of a alpha value and a histogram position
Public classTFalphaPicker
Class for a alpha value picker
Public classTFcolor
Stores the combination of a color and histogram value
Public classTFcolorPicker
Class for colorpicker
Public classTFcomparablePicker<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Base class for compareable TFpicker
Public classTFpicker
Base class for transfer function picker
Public classToolWindow
Tool Window
Public classTransferFunction


Public delegateLightChangedEventHandler
Delegate for the OnChange event
Public delegatePlaneChangedEventHandler
Delegate for the Change event
Public delegateTFchangedEventHandler
Delegate for Change Events