High-level wrapper for OpenTK


Public classGLErrorException
Exception thrown as a result of an GL error.
Public classGLException
Base class for all GL exceptions.
Public classGLObject
Represents an OpenGL object. Implements IDisposeable: once the object is disposed, all public properties and methods besides Dispose(), Disposed and Error throw a ObjectDisposedException when called. When an exception occurs during initialization, the GLObject disposes itself before throwing an exception. GLObject has no finalizer because GL is not available in the finalizer thread. Dispose manually and call DisposeAll() before the program exists.
Public classShader
A GL shader.
Public classShaderProgram
A shader program.
Public classShaderVariable
A shader variable.
Public classTexture
A texture.
Public classVertexState
Represents a particular vertex state, that is a VAO and associated buffers.


Public enumerationTexture..::..TextureType
Texture types.