GroupNode PropertiesVis2 NodeTrix CodeDokumentation
The GroupNode type exposes the following members.

Protected propertyAttributes (Inherited from VizBaseEntity.)
Public propertyConnections
Returns the connections to the groupnode
(Overrides BaseNode Connections.)
Public propertyInnerConnections
Returns a list of all connections between nodes in the groupnode
Public propertyIsAnimating
Gets or sets a value defining if a node is currently animated
(Inherited from BaseNode.)
Public propertyName (Inherited from VizNode.)
Public propertyNodes
Returns a list of all nodes in the groupnode
Public propertyNodesPosition
Returns a list containing the the position of each node on the border
Public propertyPos
Location of the Node on the screen
(Inherited from BaseNode.)
Public propertyPosNoEvent
Location of the Node on the screen, the PorpertyChanged Event is not thrown
(Inherited from BaseNode.)
Public propertySize (Inherited from VizNode.)
Public propertySourceAttributes (Inherited from VizBaseEntity.)
Public propertyTitle
Gets or sets the title of the groupnode
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