SimpleNodePresenter EventsVis2 NodeTrix CodeDokumentation
The SimpleNodePresenter type exposes the following members.

Public eventOnlineContextMenuClosing
Occurs just before any context menu on the element is closed.
(Inherited from OnlineFrameworkElement.)
Public eventOnlineContextMenuOpening
Occurs when any context menu on the element is opened.
(Inherited from OnlineFrameworkElement.)
Public eventOnlineDataContextChanged
Occurs when the data context for this element changes.
(Inherited from OnlineFrameworkElement.)
Public eventOnlineDragEnter
Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drag event with this element as the drag target.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineDragLeave
Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drag event with this element as the drag origin.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineDragOver
Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drag event with this element as the potential drop target.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineDrop
Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drop event with this element as the drop target.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineFocusableChanged
Occurs when the value of the OnlineFocusable property changes.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineGiveFeedback
Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drag-and-drop event that involves this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineGotFocus
Occurs when this element gets logical focus.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineGotKeyboardFocus
Occurs when the keyboard is focused on this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineGotMouseCapture
Occurs when this element captures the mouse.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineGotStylusCapture
Occurs when this element captures the stylus.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineGotTouchCapture
Occurs when a touch is captured to this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineInitialized
Occurs when this OnlineFrameworkElement is initialized. This event coincides with cases where the value of the OnlineIsInitialized property changes from false (or undefined) to true.
(Inherited from OnlineFrameworkElement.)
Public eventOnlineIsEnabledChanged
Occurs when the value of the OnlineIsEnabled property on this element changes.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineIsHitTestVisibleChanged
Occurs when the value of the OnlineIsHitTestVisible dependency property changes on this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineIsKeyboardFocusedChanged
Occurs when the value of the OnlineIsKeyboardFocused property changes on this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineIsKeyboardFocusWithinChanged
Occurs when the value of the OnlineIsKeyboardFocusWithinChanged property changes on this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineIsMouseCapturedChanged
Occurs when the value of the OnlineIsMouseCaptured property changes on this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineIsMouseCaptureWithinChanged
Occurs when the value of the OnlineIsMouseCaptureWithinProperty changes on this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineIsMouseDirectlyOverChanged
Occurs when the value of the OnlineIsMouseDirectlyOver property changes on this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineIsStylusCapturedChanged
Occurs when the value of the OnlineIsStylusCaptured property changes on this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineIsStylusCaptureWithinChanged
Occurs when the value of the OnlineIsStylusCaptureWithin property changes on this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineIsStylusDirectlyOverChanged
Occurs when the value of the OnlineIsStylusDirectlyOver property changes on this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineIsVisibleChanged
Occurs when the value of the OnlineIsVisible property changes on this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineKeyDown
Occurs when a key is pressed while focus is on this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineKeyUp
Occurs when a key is released while focus is on this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineLayoutUpdated
Occurs when the layout of the various visual elements associated with the current OnlineDispatcher changes.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineLoaded
Occurs when the element is laid out, rendered, and ready for interaction.
(Inherited from OnlineFrameworkElement.)
Public eventOnlineLostFocus
Occurs when this element loses logical focus.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineLostKeyboardFocus
Occurs when the keyboard is no longer focused on this element,.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineLostMouseCapture
Occurs when this element loses mouse capture.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineLostStylusCapture
Occurs when this element loses stylus capture.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineLostTouchCapture
Occurs when this element loses a touch capture.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineManipulationBoundaryFeedback
Occurs when the manipulation encounters a boundary.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineManipulationCompleted
Occurs when a manipulation and inertia on the OnlineUIElement object is complete.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineManipulationDelta
Occurs when the input device changes position during a manipulation.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineManipulationInertiaStarting
Occurs when the input device loses contact with the OnlineUIElement object during a manipulation and inertia begins.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineManipulationStarted
Occurs when an input device begins a manipulation on the OnlineUIElement object.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineManipulationStarting
Occurs when the manipulation processor is first created.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineMouseDoubleClick
Occurs when a mouse button is clicked two or more times.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineMouseDown
Occurs when any mouse button is pressed while the pointer is over this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineMouseEnter
Occurs when the mouse pointer enters the bounds of this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineMouseLeave
Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the bounds of this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineMouseLeftButtonDown
Occurs when the left mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineMouseLeftButtonUp
Occurs when the left mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineMouseMove
Occurs when the mouse pointer moves while over this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineMouseRightButtonDown
Occurs when the right mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineMouseRightButtonUp
Occurs when the right mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineMouseUp
Occurs when any mouse button is released over this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineMouseWheel
Occurs when the user rotates the mouse wheel while the mouse pointer is over this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlinePreviewDragEnter
Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drag event with this element as the drag target.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlinePreviewDragLeave
Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drag event with this element as the drag origin.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlinePreviewDragOver
Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drag event with this element as the potential drop target.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlinePreviewDrop
Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drop event with this element as the drop target.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlinePreviewGiveFeedback
Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is started.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlinePreviewGotKeyboardFocus
Occurs when the keyboard is focused on this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlinePreviewKeyDown
Occurs when a key is pressed while focus is on this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlinePreviewKeyUp
Occurs when a key is released while focus is on this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlinePreviewLostKeyboardFocus
Occurs when the keyboard is no longer focused on this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlinePreviewMouseDoubleClick
Occurs when a user clicks the mouse button two or more times.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlinePreviewMouseDown
Occurs when any mouse button is pressed while the pointer is over this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlinePreviewMouseLeftButtonDown
Occurs when the left mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlinePreviewMouseLeftButtonUp
Occurs when the left mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlinePreviewMouseMove
Occurs when the mouse pointer moves while the mouse pointer is over this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlinePreviewMouseRightButtonDown
Occurs when the right mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlinePreviewMouseRightButtonUp
Occurs when the right mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlinePreviewMouseUp
Occurs when any mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlinePreviewMouseWheel
Occurs when the user rotates the mouse wheel while the mouse pointer is over this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlinePreviewQueryContinueDrag
Occurs when there is a change in the keyboard or mouse button state during a drag-and-drop operation.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlinePreviewStylusButtonDown
Occurs when the stylus button is pressed while the pointer is over this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlinePreviewStylusButtonUp
Occurs when the stylus button is released while the pointer is over this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlinePreviewStylusDown
Occurs when the stylus touches the digitizer while it is over this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlinePreviewStylusInAirMove
Occurs when the stylus moves over an element without actually touching the digitizer.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlinePreviewStylusInRange
Occurs when the stylus is close enough to the digitizer to be detected, while over this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlinePreviewStylusMove
Occurs when the stylus moves while over the element. The stylus must move while being detected by the digitizer to raise this event, otherwise, OnlinePreviewStylusInAirMove is raised instead.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlinePreviewStylusOutOfRange
Occurs when the stylus is too far from the digitizer to be detected.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlinePreviewStylusSystemGesture
Occurs when a user performs one of several stylus gestures.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlinePreviewStylusUp
Occurs when the user raises the stylus off the digitizer while the stylus is over this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlinePreviewTextInput
Occurs when this element gets text in a device-independent manner.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlinePreviewTouchDown
Occurs when a finger touches the screen while the finger is over this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlinePreviewTouchMove
Occurs when a finger moves on the screen while the finger is over this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlinePreviewTouchUp
Occurs when a finger is raised off of the screen while the finger is over this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventPropertyChanged
Occurs when the value of a Property is set
(Inherited from BaseNodePresenter.)
Public eventOnlineQueryContinueDrag
Occurs when there is a change in the keyboard or mouse button state during a drag-and-drop operation.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineQueryCursor
Occurs when the cursor is requested to display. This event is raised on an element each time that the mouse pointer moves to a new location, which means the cursor object might need to be changed based on its new position.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineRequestBringIntoView
Occurs when OnlineBringIntoView(Rect) is called on this element.
(Inherited from OnlineFrameworkElement.)
Public eventOnlineSizeChanged
Occurs when either the OnlineActualHeight or the OnlineActualWidth properties change value on this element.
(Inherited from OnlineFrameworkElement.)
Public eventOnlineSourceUpdated
Occurs when the source value changes for any existing property binding on this element.
(Inherited from OnlineFrameworkElement.)
Public eventOnlineStylusButtonDown
Occurs when the stylus button is pressed while the pointer is over this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineStylusButtonUp
Occurs when the stylus button is released while the pointer is over this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineStylusDown
Occurs when the stylus touches the digitizer while the stylus is over this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineStylusEnter
Occurs when the stylus enters the bounds of this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineStylusInAirMove
Occurs when the stylus moves over an element without actually touching the digitizer.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineStylusInRange
Occurs when the stylus is close enough to the digitizer to be detected, while over this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineStylusLeave
Occurs when the stylus leaves the bounds of the element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineStylusMove
Occurs when the stylus moves over this element. The stylus must move while on the digitizer to raise this event. Otherwise, OnlineStylusInAirMove is raised instead.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineStylusOutOfRange
Occurs when the stylus is too far from the digitizer to be detected, while over this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineStylusSystemGesture
Occurs when a user performs one of several stylus gestures.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineStylusUp
Occurs when the user raises the stylus off the digitizer while it is over this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineTargetUpdated
Occurs when the target value changes for any property binding on this element.
(Inherited from OnlineFrameworkElement.)
Public eventOnlineTextInput
Occurs when this element gets text in a device-independent manner.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineToolTipClosing
Occurs just before any tooltip on the element is closed.
(Inherited from OnlineFrameworkElement.)
Public eventOnlineToolTipOpening
Occurs when any tooltip on the element is opened.
(Inherited from OnlineFrameworkElement.)
Public eventOnlineTouchDown
Occurs when a finger touches the screen while the finger is over this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineTouchEnter
Occurs when a touch moves from outside to inside the bounds of this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineTouchLeave
Occurs when a touch moves from inside to outside the bounds of this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineTouchMove
Occurs when a finger moves on the screen while the finger is over this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineTouchUp
Occurs when a finger is raised off of the screen while the finger is over this element.
(Inherited from OnlineUIElement.)
Public eventOnlineUnloaded
Occurs when the element is removed from within an element tree of loaded elements.
(Inherited from OnlineFrameworkElement.)
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