1 /**
  2  * potree.js 
  3  * http://potree.org
  4  *
  5  * Copyright 2012, Markus Sch�tz
  6  * Licensed under the GPL Version 2 or later.
  7  * - http://potree.org/wp/?page_id=7
  8  * - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
  9  *
 10  */
 12 /**
 13  * Specify how points are to be shaded
 14  */
 15 var IlluminationMode = {
 16 		FLAT 	 : {value:0, name: "Flat"},
 17 		PHONG	 : {value:1, name: "Phong"},
 18 		NORMALS	 : {value:2, name: "Normals"},
 19 		POSITION : {value:3, name: "Position"} 
 20 };
 22 /**
 23  * specify how points are to be rasterized
 24  */
 25 var PointCloudRenderMode = {
 26 		FIXED_CIRCLE 	: {value:0, name: "fixed circle"},
 27 		WEIGHTED_CIRCLE	: {value:1, name: "weighted circle"},
 28 		FILTERED_SPLAT 	: {value:3, name: "filtered splat"}
 29 };
 31 /**
 32  * Eierlegende wollmilchsau.
 33  * combines different materials.
 34  * 
 35  * @param name
 36  * @class
 37  * @augments Material
 38  * @author Markus Sch�tz
 39  */
 40 function PointCloudMaterial(name){
 41 	Material.call(this, name);
 43 	this.renderMode = PointCloudRenderMode.WEIGHTED_CIRCLE;
 45 	this.filteredMaterial = new FilteredSplatsMaterial(name + "_filtered");
 46 	this.weightedMaterial = new WeightedPointSizeMaterial(name + "_weighted");
 47 	this.fixedMaterial = new FixedPointSizeMaterial(name + "_fixed");
 49 	this.activeMaterial = this.weightedMaterial;
 50 	this.pointSize = 0.2;
 51 	this.blendDepth = 0.1;
 52 	this.illuminationMode = IlluminationMode.FLAT;
 53 }
 55 PointCloudMaterial.prototype = new Material(inheriting);
 57 PointCloudMaterial.prototype.render = function(sceneNode, camera, lights){
 58 	this.activeMaterial.render(sceneNode, camera, lights);
 59 };
 61 ///**
 62 // * @param renderMode type: PointCloudRenderMode
 63 // */
 64 //PointCloudMaterial.prototype.setRenderMode = function(renderMode){
 65 //	this.renderMode = renderMode;
 66 //	
 67 //	this.updateActiveMaterial();
 68 //};
 69 //
 70 //PointCloudMaterial.prototype.updateActiveMaterial = function(){
 71 //	if(this.illuminationMode == IlluminationMode.FLAT){
 72 //		if(this.renderMode == PointCloudRenderMode.FIXED_CIRCLE){
 73 //			this.activeMaterial = this.fixedMaterial;
 74 //		}else if(this.renderMode == PointCloudRenderMode.WEIGHTED_CIRCLE){
 75 //			this.activeMaterial = this.weightedMaterial;
 76 //		}else if(this.renderMode == PointCloudRenderMode.FILTERED_SPLAT){
 77 //			this.activeMaterial = this.filteredMaterial;
 78 //		}
 79 //	}
 80 //};
 82 Object.defineProperty(PointCloudMaterial.prototype, 'renderMode', {
 83 	set: function(renderMode){
 84 		this._renderMode = renderMode;
 86 		if(this.renderMode == PointCloudRenderMode.FIXED_CIRCLE){
 87 			this.activeMaterial = this.fixedMaterial;
 88 		}else if(this.renderMode == PointCloudRenderMode.WEIGHTED_CIRCLE){
 89 			this.activeMaterial = this.weightedMaterial;
 90 		}else if(this.renderMode == PointCloudRenderMode.FILTERED_SPLAT){
 91 			this.activeMaterial = this.filteredMaterial;
 92 		}
 93 	},
 94 	get: function(){
 95 		return this._renderMode;
 96 	}
 97 });
 99 Object.defineProperty(PointCloudMaterial.prototype, 'pointSize', {
100 	set: function(pointSize){
101 		this._pointSize = pointSize;
102 		this.filteredMaterial.pointSize = pointSize;
103 		this.weightedMaterial.pointSize = pointSize;
104 		this.fixedMaterial.pointSize = pointSize;
105 	},
106 	get: function(){
107 		return this._pointSize;
108 	}
109 });
111 Object.defineProperty(PointCloudMaterial.prototype, 'blendDepth', {
112 	set: function(blendDepth){
113 		this._blendDepth = blendDepth;
114 		this.filteredMaterial.blendDepth = blendDepth;
115 	},
116 	get: function(){
117 		return this._blendDepth;
118 	}
119 });
121 Object.defineProperty(PointCloudMaterial.prototype, 'illuminationMode', {
122 	set: function(illuminationMode){
123 		this._illuminationMode = illuminationMode;
124 		this.filteredMaterial.illuminationMode = illuminationMode;
125 		this.weightedMaterial.illuminationMode = illuminationMode;
126 		this.fixedMaterial.illuminationMode = illuminationMode;
127 	},
128 	get: function(){
129 		return this._illuminationMode;
130 	}
131 });