Vessel-Tree 2D Visualisation Tool


This program will create 2D vessel-tree from the input xml file. Doctor's accuracy decrease with increasing data complexity in 3D but not when working with 2D representation of veins. 2D vessel-three diagram helps doctors to inspect veins more accurate and to find disease in veins easier. Easy navigation and tracking of the last position is one of key factors why 2D tree representation of veins is better than 3D representation.


Vessel-tree saved as xml file is input data. Xml file consists of control points and segments forming the veins.
Structure of the file should be:

control points (CP):
id: unique identifier
x,y,z: 3D position
r1: vessel radius

BeginCPID,EndCPID: begin and end control point identifiers
points: segment specific points, see type of segment
segment type:
o tracked, centered: the segments store specific points between the start and end control point
o interpolated: segments are linear interpolated between the start and end control point and therefore do not store any points

Output is a tree structure of the veins, some images can be seen here...
