  Apply Eulerian motion magnification using the following filters
  Spatial Filtering: Laplacian pyramid
  Temporal Filtering: IIR (Infinite Impulse Response) filter
  Two images are updated using the low and high cutoff parameters and
   subtracted to filter the frame sequence according to these specified
   frequency bands. I.e., bandpass filtering is achieved by subtracting 
   two lowpass filters of different thresholds.
  The temporal filtering is applied to the whole Laplacian pyramid thereby
  magnifying signals in different spatial sizes.
    framesIn            frames of the input video (in YIC color space)
    alpha               % Amplification factor
    lambdaC             % Spatial frequency cutoff
    lowCutoff           % Temporal frequency low cutoff
    highCutoff          % Temporal frequency high cutoff
    chromAtt            % Chromatic attentuation
    exaggerationFactor  % Motion exaggeration factor
    framesOut           motion magnified frames