WindGlobe - Documentation

WindGlobe visualizes wind data on a 3D globe using the arrow plot algorithm by Jobard et al. ([1]). Because the visualization uses arrows the map is not occluded fully, so the information can be obtained without loosing contextual information.

How it works

WindGlobe uses Cesium JS and draws the arrows on a view filling rectangle.


The algorithm by Jobard et al. uses forward and backward propagation to fill the image densely with arrows. The arrows are moved along the streamlines calculated using Runge-Kutta.


The globe uses Cesium JS to display Microsoft Bing Maps on a globe. The whole globe or the rectangle that contains the whole view is mapped with the image of the arrows drawn on a HTML canvas using D3.

Running the app

Go to the source directory and start a web server that delivers files in the folder hierarchy. This is needed to dynamical load the Bing Maps tiles. It can be done with python2, for example :

$ python2 -m SimpleHTTPServer 8081

Then navigate the browser to: http://localhost:8081/WindGlobe/

Source code

The source code can be found in src/

Source Code Doc

Source code documentation can be found in doc/