Implementation of 2009 Everts et al. Depth-Dependent Halos: Illustrative Rendering of Dense Line Data

This project aims to implement a small framework for rendering of dense line data, based on 2009 Everts et al. "Depth-Dependent Halos: Illustrative Rendering of Dense Line Data" [1].


The framework is based on a Qt 5 UI and uses OpenGL 3.3+ for drawing. The source code consists of C++ and GLSL 3.3 shader code.

Please note that for now CMake build files are provided for Linux only. Dependencies are Qt 5 and OpenGL 3.3.


Supported Data File Formats

For now only TrackVis .trk tractography line data is supported. Support for .trk reading is enabled by an external library libtrkfileio by lheric. An example dataset of the human connectome is included. Moreover, the framework allows to generate random line data for testing.


Uploaded on Youtube: SpaghettiVis: An implementation of Everts et al. dense line data visualization.

How to run

in directory containing CMakeLists.txt

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Thanks to


Framework Screenshot 1
Framework Screenshot 2


[1] Everts, Maarten H., et al. "Depth-dependent halos: Illustrative rendering of dense line data." IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 15.6 (2009).