Streamline Variability Calculation

Transforms a given streamline with PCA into a another space. This streamline points in this space are sampled and the statistical parameters of each cluster (median, variance) are transformed back into the original space.



streamlines = connections';

pYMin = 1;
pYMax = (size(streamlines, 1) / 2);
pXMin  = pYMax + 1;
pXMax = size(streamlines, 1);
colors = 'rbgycm';

if(exist('boundCoeff', 'var')~=1)
    boundCoeff = 0.7;

if(exist('splatSize', 'var')~=1)
    splatSize = 10;

if(exist('numClusters', 'var')~=1)
    numClusters = 3;

if(exist('highNumberSamples', 'var')~=1)
    highNumberSamples = 0;

if(exist('numBasis', 'var')~=1)
    numBasis = 3;

if(exist('convInter', 'var')~=1)
    convInter = 0.9;

if(exist('numSamples', 'var')~=1)
    numSamples = 1000;

sampleOffset = 2;

meanVector = mean(streamlines, 2);

streamlines = streamlines - repmat(meanVector, 1, size(streamlines, 2));

Calculate PCA Basis

The PCA basis are calculated from the streamlines, if the highNumberSamples flag is not set the transpose trick is used. The basis are sorted based on their coresponding eigenvalues in decending order.

if ~highNumberSamples
	[eigenvectors, eigenvalues] = eig(streamlines' * streamlines, 'vector');
    [eigenvectors, eigenvalues] = eig(streamlines * streamlines', 'vector');
[eigenvectors, eigenvalues] = eigsort(eigenvectors, eigenvalues);

Reduce Streamlines

The PCA transformed multidimensonal streamline points get reduced to a maximum dimensionality of numBasis.

if ~highNumberSamples
	basis = determineBasis(streamlines, eigenvectors);
    basis = eigenvectors;
reducedStreamlines = reduceData(basis, numBasis, streamlines);

Cluster Reduced Streamlines with k-Means

Each streamline gets assigned to a cluster in PCA space which represent the trends in the data using k-Means.

lineIDs = kmeans(reducedStreamlines', numClusters);

Calculate the Median Streamline for each Cluster

For each cluster the median streamlines is calculated based on the assigned PCA transformed streamlines.

centerLines = zeros(numClusters, numBasis);

for i = 1:numClusters
    centerLines(i, :) = median(reducedStreamlines(:, lineIDs==i), 2)';


reconStreamlines = reconstructData(basis, numBasis, reducedStreamlines, meanVector);
reconCenterLines = reconstructData(basis, numBasis, centerLines', meanVector);

Uniformly Sample each Cluster's Convidence Lobe

The region around all clusters is sampled using the Monte-Carlo Method. The points in a rectengular region are randomly chosen and only those who lie with in the bounds of the convidence elipsoid get chosen. To check if a point lies with the multidimensional elipsoid its Mahalanobis distance is calculated and compared against a threshold. The points inside the PCA elipsoid get transformed back into streamlines and are splated in a buffer from which the boundary region is extracted for each cluster.

threshold = sqrt(chi2inv(convInter, numBasis));
boundaries = cell(numClusters, 1);
percentCluster = zeros(numClusters, 1);
countClusterTotal = size(lineIDs, 1);

parfor i = 1:numClusters
    gridStreamlines = reducedStreamlines(:,lineIDs == i);
    minStreamlines = min(gridStreamlines, [], 2) - repmat(sampleOffset, numBasis, 1);
    maxStreamlines = max(gridStreamlines, [], 2) + repmat(sampleOffset, numBasis, 1);
    samples = rand(numBasis, numSamples) .* repmat((maxStreamlines - minStreamlines), 1, numSamples) + repmat(minStreamlines, 1, numSamples);
    samples = samples';
    if size(gridStreamlines, 2) > size(gridStreamlines, 1)
        mahalDist = mahal(samples, gridStreamlines');

        samplesInside = samples(mahalDist <= threshold, :)';
        %eval(strcat('sampleStreamlines', int2str(i), '=reconstructData(basis, numBasis, samplesInside, meanVector);'));
        sampleStreamlines = reconstructData(basis, numBasis, samplesInside, meanVector);
        if ~highNumberSamples
            samplesInside = samplesInside';
        sampleStreamlines = reconCenterLines(:,i);
        %eval(strcat('sampleStreamlines', int2str(i), '=reconCenterLines(:,',int2str(i),');'));
    percentCluster(i) = sum(lineIDs == i) / countClusterTotal;
    sampleStreamlines = sampleStreamlines';

    I = zeros(1000, 1000, 'uint8');
    minVal = min(min(sampleStreamlines));
    maxVal = max(max(sampleStreamlines));
    tempStreamlines = (((sampleStreamlines - minVal) / (maxVal - minVal)) * 999) + 1;
    for r = tempStreamlines'
        for c = 1:((size(r) / 2) - 1)
            x = [r(c) r(c + 1)];
            y = [r(pXMin + c - 1) r(pXMin + c)];
            nPoints = max(abs(diff(x)), abs(diff(y)))+1;
            rIndex = round(linspace(y(1), y(2), nPoints));
            cIndex = round(linspace(x(1), x(2), nPoints));
            index = sub2ind(size(I), rIndex, cIndex);
            I(index) = 255;
    se = strel('disk', splatSize);
    I = imdilate(I, se);
    [x, y] = find(I);
    k = boundary(x, y, boundCoeff);
    x = ((x(k) - 1) / 999) * (maxVal - minVal) + minVal;
    y = ((y(k) - 1) / 999) * (maxVal - minVal) + minVal;
    boundaries{i} = [y; x];

for i = 1:numClusters
    eval(strcat('boundary', int2str(i), '=boundaries{', int2str(i), '}'';'));

reconCenterLines = reconCenterLines';