
Namespace: MatrixFun

some matrix operations

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
colSum m
Signature: m:(type) -> double []

returns sum of each column

diag n d
Signature: n:int -> d:double [] -> (type)

creates diagonal matrix with given values

equal m n
Signature: m:(type) -> n:(type) -> (type)

returns matrix with element wise equality

maxValue m
Signature: m:(type) -> double

returns max value of given matrix

mean m
Signature: m:(type) -> float

returns mean of matrix

meanCol m
Signature: m:(type) -> (type)

returns means of each column

meanRow m
Signature: m:(type) -> (type)

returns means of each row

normalize m
Signature: m:(type) -> (type)

normalize input data like in the original tSNE algorithm

notEqual m n
Signature: m:(type) -> n:(type) -> (type)

return matrix with element wise inequality

ofArray n a
Signature: n:int -> a:double [] -> (type)

creates a matrix of given array

rowSum m
Signature: m:(type) -> double []

returns sum of each row

sign m
Signature: m:(type) -> (type)

returns sign matrix

size m
Signature: m:(type) -> int * int

returns size of given matrix

squaredDistances n m
Signature: n:int -> m:(type) -> (type)

returns squared distances matrix

sum m
Signature: m:(type) -> double

returns sum of given matrix

toVectorArray n m
Signature: n:int -> m:(type) -> (type) []

converts given matrix to array of vectors