Source: EdgeBundlingMetrics.js


@param selectedLinks
 * Function calculates Different Edge-Bundling Metrics.
 * Therefore some chosen edges get compared against each other edge with 3 different metrics.
 * --> Distance, Edge length similarity, Parallelism
 * The result of these 3 Metrics get aggregated to an consistency value.
 * The Function returns the consistency value for each link which gets sampled for the heatmap.
 * The Lines get sampled in 4 Steps and in 8 steps for the display on the svg
 * @param {Array} selectedLinks The links which should be compared by the metrics
 * @param {number} alpha The weight for the Distance Metric
 * @param {number} beta The weight for the Edge length similarity Metric
 * @param {number} gamma The weight for the Parallelism Metric
 * @returns {Array} result Array of objects for the Heatmap -> {x, y, value}
function EdgeBundlingMetrics(selectedLinks,alpha,beta,gamma)
    var steps = 4;

    var distance = CalculateMetric(1,selectedLinks, steps);
    var edgeLength = CalculateMetric(2,selectedLinks, steps);
    var parallelism = CalculateMetric(3,selectedLinks, steps);

    var consistency = Consistency(selectedLinks, distance, edgeLength, parallelism, alpha, beta, gamma);

    var result = EdgeSampling(selectedLinks,steps*2,consistency); // Sample all lines for Heatmap
    return result;

* METRIC 1: Distance
* Calculates the distance between the sample points of two edges.
* First the minimum of all distances between the first point on the first edge, and the second edge are taken and the maxiumum
* of all distances from the first edge is taken as result.
* (We compare each point on the first edge repeatedly against all points on the second edge)
* @param {Object} link1 First link which should be compared against the second link
* @param {Object} link2 Second link which should be compared against the first link
* @param {number} steps steps at which the line is sampled
* @result {number} Result of the Metric = Maximum distance of all minimum distances between the two edges
function Distance(link1, link2, steps) {

    var travelRatio_link1 = 100/(steps-1);// -1 because we start at the startpoint
    var travelRatio_link2 = 100/(steps-1);

    var link1_x1 = parseFloat("x1"));
    var link1_x2 = parseFloat("x2"));
    var link1_y1 = parseFloat("y1"));
    var link1_y2 = parseFloat("y2"));

    var link2_x1 = parseFloat("x1"));
    var link2_x2 = parseFloat("x2"));
    var link2_y1 = parseFloat("y1"));
    var link2_y2 = parseFloat("y2"));

    var link1_currentX = link1_x1;  // Startvalues
    var link1_currentY = link1_y1;  // Startvalues
    var currentMinDistance = [];

    for(var i= 1; i <=steps; i++) {
        var link2_currentX = link2_x1; //Startvalues
        var link2_currentY = link2_y1; //Startvalues
        var tempDistance = [];

        // Take Startpoint
        if (i != 1){
        link1_currentX = link1_x1 + (link1_x2 - link1_x1) * (100 / travelRatio_link1);
        link1_currentY = link1_y1 + (link1_y2 - link1_y1) * (100 / travelRatio_link1);
        // Adds up to 100% of the range
        travelRatio_link1 += 100/(steps-1);

        for(var j= 1; j <=steps; j++){

            // Take Startpoint
            if (j != 1) {
                link2_currentX = link2_x1 + (link2_x2 - link2_x1) * (100 / travelRatio_link2);
                link2_currentY = link2_y1 + (link2_y2 - link2_y1) * (100 / travelRatio_link2);
                // Adds up to 100% of the range
                travelRatio_link2 += 100/(steps-1);
            // Save the different distances
            tempDistance.push(Math.sqrt( Math.pow(link1_currentX - link2_currentX,2) + Math.pow(link1_currentY - link2_currentY,2)));

        // get the Minimum distance of the points


    // Return maximum distance of all minimum distances
    return arrayMax(currentMinDistance);

* METRIC 2: Edge length similarity
* The edge length similarity between link1 and link2 is the minimum between the length of link1 and link2
* divided by the maximum between the length of link1 and link2.
* @param {Object} link1 First link which should be compared against the second link
* @param {Object} link2 Second link which should be compared against the first link
* @result {number} Result of the Metric = minimum distance of link1,link2 divided by the maximum distance of link1,link2

function EdgeLengthSimilarity(link1, link2) {
    var lengthLink1 = 0;
    var lengthLink2 = 0;

    var link1_x1 = parseFloat("x1"));
    var link1_x2 = parseFloat("x2"));
    var link1_y1 = parseFloat("y1"));
    var link1_y2 = parseFloat("y2"));

    var link2_x1 = parseFloat("x1"));
    var link2_x2 = parseFloat("x2"));
    var link2_y1 = parseFloat("y1"));
    var link2_y2 = parseFloat("y2"));

    // Length of the lines
    lengthLink1 = Math.sqrt( Math.pow(link1_x1 - link1_x2,2) + Math.pow(link1_y1 - link1_y2,2));
    lengthLink2 = Math.sqrt( Math.pow(link2_x1 - link2_x2,2) + Math.pow(link2_y1 - link2_y2,2));

    // Returns the minimum distance divided by the maximum distance
    return Math.min(lengthLink1,lengthLink2)/Math.max(lengthLink1,lengthLink2);

* METRIC 3: Parallelism
* The parallelism of two links is measured as the minimum between: (projection of link1 on link2) /link2
* and (projection of link2 on link1) /link1
* @param {Object} link1 First link which should be compared against the second link
* @param {Object} link2 Second link which should be compared against the first link
* @result {number} result Result of the Metric = Minimum of the projection from link1 to link2 and visa versa
function Parallelism(link1, link2) {

    var link1_x1 = parseFloat("x1"));
    var link1_x2 = parseFloat("x2"));
    var link1_y1 = parseFloat("y1"));
    var link1_y2 = parseFloat("y2"));

    var link2_x1 = parseFloat("x1"));
    var link2_x2 = parseFloat("x2"));
    var link2_y1 = parseFloat("y1"));
    var link2_y2 = parseFloat("y2"));

    // Direction link1
    var link1_directionX = link1_x1 - link1_x2;
    var link1_directionY = link1_y1 - link1_y2;
    // Direction link2
    var link2_directionX = link2_x1 - link2_x2;
    var link2_directionY = link2_y1 - link2_y2;
    // Dot Product between link1*link2
    var link1DotLink2 = (link1_directionX * link2_directionX) + (link1_directionY * link2_directionY);

    // Projection of link1 on link2
    var magnitude_link2 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(link2_directionX,2) + Math.pow(link2_directionY,2));
    var projection_l1_l2_X = (link1DotLink2/magnitude_link2) * link2_directionX;
    var projection_l1_l2_Y = (link1DotLink2/magnitude_link2) * link2_directionY;

    // Projection of link1 on link2
    var magnitude_link1 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(link1_directionX,2) + Math.pow(link1_directionY,2));
    var projection_l2_l1_X = (link1DotLink2/magnitude_link1) * link1_directionX;
    var projection_l2_l1_Y = (link1DotLink2/magnitude_link1) * link1_directionY;

    var lengthLink1 = Math.sqrt( Math.pow(link1_directionX,2) + Math.pow(link1_directionY,2));
    var lengthLink2 = Math.sqrt( Math.pow(link2_directionX,2) + Math.pow(link2_directionY,2));
    var lengthProjection_l1_l2 = Math.sqrt( Math.pow(projection_l1_l2_X,2) + Math.pow(projection_l1_l2_Y,2));
    var lengthProjection_l2_l1 = Math.sqrt( Math.pow(projection_l2_l1_X,2) + Math.pow(projection_l2_l1_Y,2));

    // Minimum of the projection from link1 to link2 and visa versa
    var result = Math.min(lengthProjection_l1_l2/lengthLink2, lengthProjection_l2_l1/lengthLink1);

    return result;

* Aggregated consistency
* Consistency of two edges is defined by the three metrics Distance, EdgeLengthSimilarity and Parallelism which have
* different weights alpha, beta and gamma which hold -> alpha + beta + gamma = 1.
* The Distance Metric gets normalized based on the maximum of the distances.
* @param {Array} selectedLinks The links which should be compared by the metrics
* @param {Array} distance Results of the distance metric of all selected links
* @param {Array} edgeLength Results of the EdgeLengthSimilarity metric of all selected links
* @param {Array} parallelism Results of the parallelism metric of all selected links
* @param {number} alpha The weight for the Distance Metric
* @param {number} beta The weight for the Edge length similarity Metric
* @param {number} gamma The weight for the Parallelism Metric
* @returns {Array} consistency Returns the result array of the aggregated consistency for all selected links
function Consistency(selectedLinks, distance, edgeLength, parallelism, alpha, beta, gamma) {

    // Normalize the distance
    var normDistance = distance;
    var squaredDistance = 0;
    var consistency = [];

    // Loop adds up all squared distances
    for(var i = 0; i < selectedLinks.length; i++){
        squaredDistance += Math.pow(distance[i],2);
    var normFactor = 1/Math.sqrt(squaredDistance);

    // Multiplies every value by the normalize factor
    normDistance = {
        return element*normFactor;

    // Calculate for every Link its Consistency
    for(var i = 0; i < selectedLinks.length; i++){
        consistency[i] = Math.sqrt(alpha * Math.pow(normDistance[i],2) + beta * Math.pow(1-edgeLength[i],2) + gamma * Math.pow(1-parallelism[i],2));

    return consistency;

* Calculates the chosen Metric for every given link against each other link
* and returns an Array with the result for each link.
* To get only one result for each link, the average over all values for the respective link is taken as final result.
* @param {number} metricNumber Defines which Metric should be used
* 1 = Distance --> The Average Distance is taken
* 2 = Edge length similarity
* 3 = Parallelism
* @param {Array} links The selected links
* @param {number} steps The amount of samples, for an link, which some metrics need
* @return {Array} result Array with the average result for each link in the size of all selected links
function CalculateMetric(metricNumber,links, steps) {
    var result = [];
    var tempResult = [];

    for(var i = 0; i < links.length; i++){

        for(var j = 0; j < links.length; j++){
            // Do not compare the same link
                // CHOOSE METRIC
                if(metricNumber == 1){  // Distance
                    tempResult.push(Distance(links[i], links[j], steps));
                else if(metricNumber == 2){ // Edge length similarity
                    tempResult.push(EdgeLengthSimilarity(links[i], links[j]));
                else if(metricNumber == 3){ // Parallelism
                    tempResult.push(Parallelism(links[i], links[j]));

        // After finishing the comparision of one link against the others push the average

    return result;

 * Returns the Average value of an given array
 * @param {Array} array Array of numbers
 * @returns {number} avg Returns the average number calculated from the array
function averageOfArray(array){
    var sum = 0;
    for( var i = 0; i < array.length; i++ ){
        sum += array[i];

    return avg = sum/array.length;

 * Returns the minimum value of an given array
 * @param {Array} arr Array of numbers
 * @returns {number} min Returns the minimum number from the array
function arrayMin(arr) {
    var len = arr.length, min = Infinity;
    while (len--) {
        if (Number(arr[len]) < min) {
            min = Number(arr[len]);
    return min;

 * Returns the maximum value of an given array
 * @param {Array} arr Array of numbers
 * @returns {number} max Returns the maximum number from the array
function arrayMax(arr) {
    var len = arr.length, max = -Infinity;
    while (len--) {
        if (Number(arr[len]) > max) {
            max = Number(arr[len]);
    return max;