pyramid module

pyramid.create_gaussian_pyramid(image, levels)

Creates a Gaussian pyramid for each image. :param image: An image, i.e video frame :param levels: The Gaussian pyramid level :return: Returns a pyramid of nr. levels images

pyramid.create_laplacian_pyramid(image, levels)

Builds a Laplace pyramid for an image, i.e. video frame :param image: Image, i.e. single video frame :param levels: Specifies the Laplace pyramid levels :return: Returns a pyramid of nr. levels images

pyramid.gaussian_video(video_tensor, levels)

For a given video sequence the function creates a video with the highest (specified by levels) Gaussian pyramid level :param video_tensor: Video sequence :param levels: Specifies the Gaussian pyramid levels :return: a video sequence where each frame is the downsampled of the original frame

pyramid.laplacian_video_pyramid(video_stack, levels)

Creates a Laplacian pyramid for the whole video sequence :param video_stack: Video sequence :param levels: Specifies the Laplace pyramid levels :return: A two-dimensional array where the first index is used for the pyramid levels and the second for each video frame

pyramid.reconstruct(filtered_video, levels)

Reconstructs a video sequence from the filtered Laplace video pyramid :param filtered_video: 2 dimensional video sequence - 1st. index pyramid levels, 2nd. - video frames :param levels: pyramid levels :return: video sequence