Abgeschlossene Diplomarbeiten, Bachelorarbeiten und Praktika

Hier finden Sie eine Auswahl abgeschlossener Diplomarbeiten, Bachelorarbeiten und Praktika.

669 Publications found:
Image Bib Reference Publication Type
Equal time comparison of the inner paths of BDPT (top-left) and PCBPT (bottom-right). PCBPT produces significantly less noise than BDPT due to importance sampling connections. Nikola Dodik
Implementing Probabilistic Connections for Bidirectional Path Tracing in the Mitsuba Renderer
Bachelor Thesis
Simon Maximilian Fraiss
Rendering Large Point Clouds in Unity
Bachelor Thesis
Jakob Knapp
Explorable Semiconductors: Interacting with Crystal Structures in Virtual Reality
[Bachelor Thesis] [image]
Bachelor Thesis
Gerald Michl
Generation and Visualisation of Crystal Structures
[Bachelor Thesis] [image]
Bachelor Thesis
Stefan Sietzen
A Method for Automatically Animating the Reassembly of Arbitrary Voronoi-Fractured Objects
Bachelor Thesis
Nikole Leopold
Algorithmic Botany via Lindenmayer Systems in Blender
Bachelor Thesis
Kinect v2 and Phab2Pro noise model evaluation Nicolas Grossmann
Extracting Sensor Specific Noise Models
Bachelor Thesis
Camera calibration prior to extraction of depth values Thomas Köppel
Extracting Noise Models – considering X / Y and Z Noise
Bachelor Thesis
Klara Brandstätter
Implementation and Evaluation of a Fish-Eye Lens for Interactive Visualization of Features in Volumetric Datasets
Bachelor Thesis
Sebastian Esberger
A History of Austrian Computer Games
Bachelor Thesis
Stefan Stappen
Hybrid Frames - Animated Narrative Sequences in Molecular Visualization
[teaser] [thesis]
Bachelor Thesis
Mario Zusag
Deep Learning Architectures for vessel Segmentation in 2D and 3D Biomedical Images
[Bachelor Thesis] [image]
Bachelor Thesis
Philipp ErlerORCID iD
Haptic Feedback in Room-Scale VR
[thesis] [VR Apps Repo] [Analyzer Repo]
Master Thesis
Bálint Istvan Kovács
Shadow Volumes in Unreal Engine 4
[Bachelor Thesis] [image]
Bachelor Thesis
Guillermo Garcia-Escribano
Visual Evaluation of Computational Models of the Biological Mesoscale
Bachelor Thesis
Silvana Podaras
Automated Classification of Road-Surface Types Based on Crowd-Sourced Data
[poster] [thesis]
Master Thesis
Manuel Matusich
Billboarded Cutaway Visualization for Subsurface Urban Sewer Networks - Flood Simulation embedded in Unity3D
[Bachelor Thesis] [image]
Bachelor Thesis
Pablo Balduz
Walk line drawing
Bachelor Thesis
Daniel Gehrer
Visualization of molecular machinery using agent-based animation
[image] [Master thesis]
Master Thesis
Patrick Mayr
Automatic Summarization of Image Datasets
[Bachelor Thesis] [image]
Bachelor Thesis
Andreas Winkler
Collaborative Procedural Modeling driven by User Feedback
Bachelor Thesis
Lukas Mitterhofer
Modeling Microorganisms
[Bachelor Thesis] [image]
Bachelor Thesis
Siegfried Reinwald
Fast kNN in Screen Space on GPU
[image] [thesis]
Bachelor Thesis
Alexander Gall
Comparison of Vessel Segmentation Techniques
[Bachelor Thesis] [image]
Bachelor Thesis
Anja Heim
Semiautomated Editing of Vessel Segmentation Masks
[Bachelor Thesis] [image]
Bachelor Thesis
Julian Wagner
3D-Printing of Fetal Ultrasound
[Bachelor Thesis] [image]
Bachelor Thesis
Andreas Walch
Lens Flare Prediction based on Measurements with Real-Time Visualization
Master Thesis
Theresa Wihann
Statistical Modelling of Microorganisms
[Bachelor Thesis] [image]
Bachelor Thesis
Klaus Eckelt
Vascular Printing - 3D Printing of Aortic Dissections
[Bachelor Thesis] [image]
Bachelor Thesis
David Kouřil
Maya2CellVIEW: 3D Package Integrated Tool for Creating Large and Complex Molecular Scenes
Master Thesis
Rebeka Koszticsak
Generating Expressive Window Thumbnails through Seam Carving
Bachelor Thesis
Michael Mazurek
Stream I/O - An Interactive Visualization of Publication Data
Bachelor Thesis
Tanja Travnicek
Tangible Historical Maps: An Approach Towards Customisable 3D Printed Historical Maps
[Bachelor Thesis] [image]
Bachelor Thesis
Lukas Gersthofer
Clipping and Orthogonal Projection in a Point Cloud Viewer
Student Project
Michael Mazurek
Visualization of Thesaurus-Based Web Search
Student Project
Tobias Sippl
Projecting Openstreetmap Tiles onto 3D-Surfaces
Student Project
Daniel Steinböck
Visualization of EU Funding Programmes
Student Project
Maximilian Mayrhauser
Migration of Surface Curve to Most Concave Isoline
Bachelor Thesis
Klemens Jahrmann
Interactive Grass Rendering in Real Time Using Modern OpenGL Features
[poster] [thesis]
Master Thesis
Lea Aichner
Interactive Shape-Aware Deformation of 3D Furniture Models
Bachelor Thesis
Johannes UnterguggenbergerORCID iD
Realistic Rendering in Mobile Augmented Reality
[poster] [thesis]
Master Thesis
Philipp ErlerORCID iD
Finite Element Fluids in Matlab
Student Project
Przemyslaw Gora, Lukas Leibetseder
Unreal vs Unity: Ein Vergleich zwischen zwei modernen Spiele-Engines
Bachelor Thesis
Around 280 million points.
Point cloud courtesy of Pix4D. Markus Schütz
Potree: Rendering Large Point Clouds in Web Browsers
[poster] [thesis]
Master Thesis
Lucas Dworschak
Semantically Zoomable Choropleth Map
Bachelor Thesis
Lukas Prost
Molecule-Rendering in Unity3D
Bachelor Thesis
Tom Tucek
Agent-based architecture for artistic real-time installation
Bachelor Thesis
Xi Wang
Game Design Patterns for CPU Performance Gain in Games
Bachelor Thesis
Florian Spechtenhauser
Visual Analytics for Rule-Based Quality Management of Multivariate Data
Master Thesis
Saskia Reimerth
Redesigning the Graphical User Interface of an Application for Visualizing prenatal 3D Ultrasound Scans
[Bachelor Thesis]
Bachelor Thesis
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