Speaker: Michahelles, Florian (TU Wien)


Humans have a long history of developing tools for achieving their goals. This talk will review some our own research and present potential directions of enhancing human capabilities. The talk will conclude on what humans are good at, what much machines are good at, and how both can achieve more in collaboration.


Florian Michahelles is a full professor at TU Wien for ubiquitous computing where he studies human-machine collaboration, exploring the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence in supporting human users for their tasks and activities while keeping human users in control. He has been an Associate Editors In-chief for IEEE Pervasive Computing, Associate Editor for IMWUT for more than 10 years. He is the chair of the steering committee for the IoT Conference.  His research has been covered in over 250 scientific articles with 7500+ citations and an h-index of 41. Together with his team he has received the best paper award from IoT2023, and a Ten Year Impact Award at 21st International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia.

Before joining TU Wien Informatics, he was the research group head of artificial & human intelligence at Siemens in Berkeley. Before, he led the Auto-ID Labs at ETH Zurich in the field of RFID, IoT Architecture, and mobile applications. In 1999 he was an MIT Sloan Visiting Fellow and in 2010 a visiting researcher at Keio University.  He received a Ph.D. from ETH Zurich in December 2004 and a M.Sc. (Dipl-Inf.)  from the Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich in Computer Science.




45 + 15
Host: Gröller, Eduard