Speaker: Janos Schanda (University of Veszprém, Hungary)

The Colour and Multimedia Laboratory is part of the Image Processing and Neurocomputing Department of the Faculty of Technical Informatics of the University of Veszprém. Its task is to teach fundamentals of computer image capturing and displaying devices, multimedia and virtual reality courses, tutoring on visual fundamentals, such as visual ergonomics and colour science - both related to physical processes and psychophysical, human related issues. According to this the Laboratory works in three sub-groups:

  • Physical and visual fundamentals, such as spectral sensitivity investigations of the human observer, under large filed and mesopic conditions, as well as the study of the spectral and spatial dependence of glare; colour rendering, especially for LED lighting, and some colour technology issues.
  • Technology and application of Multimedia and Virtual Reality, especially for handicapped persons, both as tutorial help for children and in rehabilitation (mainly for stroke patients).
  • Colour memory effects: Both short and long term memory effects, colour preference, influence of the background (induction effects).




Host: WP