Speaker: Prof.'in Dr. Tatiana von Landesberger


Research in visualization is often motivated by the endeavor to improve on the illustration of data: in order to better communicate data to others and to gain deeper insights into data models, possibly from a variety of data sources. Individuals with varying backgrounds and statistical knowledge need to gain insights from data and models that are communicated visually either in public media or in data analysis tools. However, various data and models require special visualization techniques that build on human capabilities of perceiving the data and models well. In this talk,, I will focus on two challenges: 1) visual communication of data with large value ranges that span across several orders of magnitude. Examples include Covid-19 cases or meteorologic particles and 2) visual model validation and estimation - the ability of humans to validate computer-generated models and estimate models from the data visually. Examples include linear regressions of house prices or patient data. We present various techniques and results of user studies that provide insights into capabilities and limitations of human-centered visual data communication and model building. 

Speaker Biography:

Tatiana von Landesberger is a full professor of Computer Science – Visualization at University of Cologne, Germany. She received a PhD in 2010 and finished her habilitation in 2017 at TU Darmstadt, Germany. Her research focuses on information visualization and visual analytics of spatio-temporal and network data from various domains such as biology, medicine, finance, transportation, journalism or meteorology. Her recent research addresses the challenges of perception and cognition of visualization as well as visual analysis of disease spreading. She regularly publishes at top international conferences and has received multiple awards. Tatiana has served in program committees and organization committees for IEEE VIS, EuroVis, VMV and other venues. Recently, she was full paper chair at EuroVis and is now member of EuroVis steering committee and associate editor of Computer Graphics Forum.





45 + 15