Physical Games
Date: | Wednesdays, Thursday and Friday |
Time: | 9:00-conference end on Wednesday and Thursday, 9:00-15:00 on Friday |
Location: | Games Showfloor (Alte Aula 1st floor) |
Enter the game itself as GmG meets the physical reality in our physical games installations. These installations explore three different ways in which the physical reality can be used as an interaction tool in computer games.
VirtuSphere is an international award winning product that revolutionizes the way man interacts with computers.
The patented method and system provide infinite space and the most immersive experience for simulated training, exercise and gaming to address a USD 42B vis-sim market.
The VirtuSphere platform consists of a large hollow sphere that sits on top of a base and allows the sphere to rotate 360 degrees. Wearing a wireless, head-mounted display, users can step inside the sphere to fully interact in immersive virtual environments. The VirtuSphere enables 6 degrees of freedom --- one can move in any direction; walk, jump, roll, crawl, run over virtually unlimited distances without encountering real-world physical obstacles.
VirtuSphere systems are made to client specifications and typically include an easy-to- assemble sphere, a base platform that enables it to rotate, a head-mounted display, 3D sensors, sphere rotation trackers, a computer, device drivers and 3D software applications.
The VirtuSphere is a result of over 45 man-years invested into research and product development. "The HIT Lab has been looking at omni-directional interfaces for some time, and we are convinced that VirtuSphere has developed the most elegant and effective solution for navigating within virtual environments," said Dr. Suzanne Weghorst, senior research scientist and assistant director of research at the University of Washington's Human Interface Technology Lab.

Nurakhmed Latypov (CTO, Virtusphere, Inc., Co-Inventor of VirtuSphere), Nurulla Latypov (COO, Virtusphere, Inc., Co-Inventor of VirtuSphere), Dr.Peter Panfilov (Associate Professor, Moscow State Institute of Electronics and Mathematics - Technical University)

The well known computer game Pong will be transferred into a real-world game. A data projector shows the Pong playing field (including the ball) on the floor. Two people play against each other with real world tennis rackets that are optically tracked. While there are many examples transferring an existing physical game into a computer game, this installation goes the opposite path, recreating a game that originated as a computer game in the pysical reality.
Stefan Jeschke, Clemens Brandorf, Michael Wimmer (Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Computer Graphics), Anton Fuhrmann (VRVis Research Center)
Neon Racer: Machination

This installation is a combination of the successful demos Augmented Coliseum and NeonRacer and shows how robotics meets computer graphics in the real world.
Neon Racer: Machination is a multi-user Augmented Reality racing game adapting the simple and powerful gameplay of racing games to an Augmented Reality tabletop setting. The game combines an intuitive and tangible interface with quality content. The active setting for the game is provided by the real world. Physical objects and real robots act as collision obstacles and influence the course of the race itself.
Doris Bernert, Wolfgang Litzlbauer, Ines Stuppacher, Manuela Waldner, Markus Weilguny, Peter Brandl, Juergen Zauner, Michael Haller Digital Media, Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, Hagenberg, AUSTRIA
Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto FAW, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Linz, AUSTRIA
Masahiro Tomita, Masahiko Inami Department of Mechanical Engineering and Intelligent Systems, The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, JAPAN