Information about the Venue
Links in English:
- City Net
- Links for Visitors hosted by the university server.
- Public transport in Vienna
- Vienna Tourist board
- Yahoo list of Vienna links
- Weather:
- Statellite photos of Europe: Eumetsat, Meteosat: IR or visible spectrum, NOAA: IR or visible spectrum
- Weather forecast based on Eumetsat pictures by Meteo France
- Vienna weater forecast by Intellicast
- Vienna weather forecast by Rain or Shine
- Austria Info - The Official Web Site of the Austrian National Tourist Office
- Austrian Airlines for U.S. flyer
- Helwig Löffelmann's list of useful travel links
Links in German:
- Wettervorhersage Österreich und Wetterwerte Österreich von Austro Control.
- Wettermeldungen und Wetterprognose von ZAMG.
This page is maintained by Jan Prikryl and Alexander Wilkie. It was last updated on February 24, 1998.
If you have any comments, please send a message to wilkie@cg.tuwien.ac.at, prikryl@cg.tuwien.ac.at.