Our group performs extensive fundamental and applied research in computer graphics. Our areas of expertise are modelling and rendering for computer graphics, visualization, visual computing, virtual environments, and color. Besides our research projects, we specialize in consulting and technology transfer as well as computer graphics related education on both undergraduate and graduate levels.
Our research workgroups: Visualization Group, Rendering and Modeling
- We will kick off the game jam on Friday afternoon with a short introduction at 16:00, followed by an industry-lead brainstorming session and team finding (this will be streamed on Discord for participation from @home).
- Merry Christmas, happy holidays and a great start into the new year! - Your CG-Group
- Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
- For the Paper Fast Rendering of Parametric Objects on Modern GPUs, our researchers Johannes Unterguggenberger, Lukas Lipp, Michael Wimmer, Bernhard Kerbl, and Markus Sc