Visual Computing research creates human-centered digital tools that contribute to making our world more sustainable, efficient, and reliable. VRVis, as Austria's leading research center in this field, wants to spotlight outstanding research from Europe by presenting the first “VRVis Visual Computing Award” to honor visual computing research that creates sustainable solutions in line with the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals ( Applied Visual Computing for the Good!
European researchers from all areas of Visual Computing are invited to apply for the “VRVis Visual Computing Award” with their application-oriented research work focusing on sustainable development. The award includes a 5,000 euro cash prize.
Self-applications as well as suggestions by others are accepted.
Please submit the following materials to by October 31, 2024:

  • The award recognizes an individual’s research accomplishment. This achievement must be demonstrated with one specific project or a specific scientific publication. Bachelor’s and Master’s theses, as well as VRVis affiliates, are not eligible to apply.
  • Letter of application (4,000 to 10,000 characters plus images): Motivation with reference to specific SDGs defined by the UN, central research achievement, direction of application, as well as measures for the concrete practical implementation of the results of the research work to achieve one or more SDG(s) according to the form provided.
  •  executive summary max. 1000 characters
  • CV, list of publications
  • Contact information
  • Optional: letter of recommendation

Evaluation criteria

  • Visual Computing relevance and scientific quality
  • Transfer between science and application, interdisciplinarity
  • Impact on achieving one or more of the 17 SDGs

Application deadline: October 31, 2024
An international expert jury will evaluate the submissions . The jury reserves the right to divide the prize between two candidates if necessary in order to represent different career stages. The announcement of the winner and the award ceremony will take place during the symposium “Visual Computing Trends 2025” on January 30, 2025, in Vienna.
Apply here:
